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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

It's almost 1am now here in New Zealand.
I will go sleep now, hopefully I can wake up in 2 hours time LOL

I'd like to watch the launch live, but it will be 1am in my local time and I've got to work tomorrow, so it's off to bed for me. Z04 123
It's almost 1am now here in New Zealand.
I will go sleep now, hopefully I can wake up in 2 hours time LOL

Send the video to me and I promise I will upload it in time without watching it before... promised... Scout's honor. Z04 Kaputtlachen
I'd like to watch the launch live, but it will be 1am in my local time and I've got to work tomorrow, so it's off to bed for me. Z04 123
I understand the upload went succesfully, the video is ready to go in little more than two hours. How long is it this time? (30 min, 45 min, 1 hour?) Fortunally we have a popcorn machine in the house Z04 CarrotZ04 Essen
My wife just asked me:

Why are you so excited about a new camera, which you will not buy?
Z02 Zek

I did not know what to answer. I asked for a lawyer... :cool:
I think we should have a contest on what is the second best YT video introducing the S1R ii, not counting Richard Wong's video, which is obviously number 1 Daumenhoch

I'm curious to know if Gerald Undone has received an S1Rii and if he has checked the 14 stops of dynamic range thing...
A lot of people will be glad that the new model is smaller than the original S1, which I think was ignored by many who wanted their FF mirrorless camera to be smaller than their FF DSLR.

I'm surprised to see no top screen. I do enjoy having a top screen, especially when using lenses with no aperture ring.
I've never found the top display that useful. All the info available, and more, is on the rear screen.