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News S1Rii - Read all about it!

Redefined phase hybrid AF with real-time detection, with improved eye and face detection and precision tracking based on artificial intelligence.
I imagine the same AF performance to S5ii etc. which is already excellent and all these cameras could improve further via firmware with this same mysterious shared L2 processor via firmware. They're gonna use the same code for all bodies.

The usual attached marketing blurb including the beaten to death AI crap BS bingo. Z04 Kommmalherfreundchen As always the proof is in the pudding but it'll be good.
I thought it's already confirmed, it would be 3599 €…?
Yeah, I used that figure for UK GBP speculated price of £2999, VAT or sales tax is 20% in UK and roughly that in Euro Zone with some countries a bit more.

Tax, Tax, Tax everywhere you go the government mafia robs you :mad:
After we got this sexy looking Sigma BF yesterday and today the S1Rii in a nicer, smaller body, let's get in the right mood for all who want one of these bodies.

I asked Ed Sheeran and he agreed to help us on this:

Let's party...
VeI know that problem. I am already way over my photo budget. Originally I wanted to sell some lenses and the Lumix S9 a few months ago to finance in 2025 new gear, but I can not convince myself to sell these. Z04 Popo Versohlen
I think the best way is to look how often gear is used and how much money you can get. With this in mind I sold my complete old gear from analog film area (EOS3, Pentax 67, Mamiya RB67). It was nice to hold in the hand and great mechanical gear but I never will go back to film and just to have it you need lot of space… It needed some time, but at the end I could get a price I don‘t have to cry about.
With digital equipment is a bit different because older cameras sometimes have a value near to 0.

But because of this I‘m able to invest a bit, I just don‘t know for what parts. There are some promising options…
, I just don‘t know for what parts. There are some promising options…

Yes, that is mean. We all know that in April another body will be announced and now with the Sigma BF, it is very likely that in 2025 new smaller lenses will come. So when and where push the button?

I need both, MFT and fullframe. Because of this I am in a bad position if I want to save money. Only if one day one of both can replace 100% the other without compromises, I can continue with only one system.

At the moment, MFT can replace 90% of my L-Mount needs, but L-Mount can only replace 50% of my MFT needs.

New L-Mount body sizes plus new L-Mount lenses (size & focal range) can change this. But at the moment I need both. Or I have to go "inbetween" and decide for Fuji X, if neither L-Mount nor MFT do not change anything in the future.
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There is always the battery grip if you want it and it's compatible across M43 and FF.

S5ii is the fit/middle ergonomics that suits the average user.

Hasselblad MF is now in the S1R size but that is a niche group.

For FF S5ii size is as big as it needs to be.
A lot of people will be glad that the new model is smaller than the original S1, which I think was ignored by many who wanted their FF mirrorless camera to be smaller than their FF DSLR.

I'm surprised to see no top screen. I do enjoy having a top screen, especially when using lenses with no aperture ring.