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News Review of the S5II-X by Richard Wong


Top Poster Of Month
Hi All,

Richard Wong's review of the S5II-X is now up on YouTube. Here is the link:

Topics covered:
  1. 0:00 The X is here!
  2. 00:53 What is Panasonic Lumix S5IIx?
  3. 3:12 Panasonic Lumix s5 vs S5II vs S5IIx
  4. 8:57 Using the Panasonic S5IIx
  5. 15:36 Video Mode
  6. 21:01 USB-SSD recording
  7. 26:52 All-Intra
  8. 28:24 ProRes / ProRes HQ
  9. 29:10 RAW VIdeo
  10. 30:56 High Resolution Photo Mode
  11. 32:25 Live View Composite Photo
  12. 39:28 Autofocus
  13. 42:27 IBIS
  14. 45:34 Live Streaming
  15. 47:39 Final Thoughts + Sample Photos/Videos
I will send later a newsletter with a heads up out...

50 minutes. Wow. I have to figure out how to watch it now and work at the same time...Teufel Grinsend Schwanz
I now watched the whole video. This is soooo good. This is soooo good. Panasonic should attach a DVD with his video on in every S5IIx box. All the "little" details which are important in real world usage are mentioned. A "must watch" video for all potential Lumix S5x buyers.
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Thanks Pete for sharing! Oh i forgot to add a link to this forum too, just added to the video description, hoping can bring more L-mount users here :)

Only had the camera for 1 week before launch this time, which means I only had 3 days or so to work on the testing/writing scripts...etc and then left me 3 days for editing/shooting b-roll/thumbnail..etc and some last minute changes.
To be honest i was expecting it is a "short" 20-30 minutes video but there are actually many things i could cover.
There are actually quite a few things I want to go more in-depth like the streaming options, video RAW comparison but have to skip due to time constraints.

Btw, Panasonic hasn't ask me for the camera back yet, so if you guys have questions about the camera, just drop me a comment here (or on youtube) and i can try answer your question
Thanks for doing these reviews, Richard! They are so comprehensive and very valuable for users and potential users of the equipment. The comparison info between S5, S5II and S5IIx is really great.
Richard Wong's review of the S5II-X is now up on YouTube.
I really liked seeing the Kondor Blue SSD Recording Handle, combined with the Sandisk SSD Pro Blade mag. This solves a big problem with SSD recording - where do you mount the SSD plus a recording monitor so you don't have a big kludge? I can see a setup with this handle and SSD, and a small cage like the SmallRig, as something pretty easy to work with. It could also work well on the S5IIi with just ProRes and no recording monitor.

An advantage of shooting with SSD is that you can both shoot with and edit from the same media, and you never need to load the raw footage onto your computer disk. I had actually been thinking about designing and building a good SSD mounting solution for the S5IIx, but now I can just buy the Kondor Blue. I got excited enough I ordered the Sandisk SSD and a Pro Blade Transport, and I'll order the Kondor Blue SSD handle when it's available.
I really liked seeing the Kondor Blue SSD Recording Handle, combined with the Sandisk SSD Pro Blade mag. This solves a big problem with SSD recording - where do you mount the SSD plus a recording monitor so you don't have a big kludge? I can see a setup with this handle and SSD, and a small cage like the SmallRig, as something pretty easy to work with. It could also work well on the S5IIi with just ProRes and no recording monitor.
Yes, seeing these things in a review is really helpful. I would never have know these devices exist were it not for the review.
Btw, Panasonic hasn't ask me for the camera back yet, so if you guys have questions about the camera, just drop me a comment here (or on youtube) and i can try answer your question
This is not quite a S5IIx question, but close. 4 channel audio is a big deal for the S5II/S5IIx cameras, and this function requires the XLR audio adapter. So the question, if I have a cage with a handle, will the XLR adapter fit under the handle? And what about the Kondor Blue SSD Recording handle? Would one cage be better than another for this?
This is not quite a S5IIx question, but close. 4 channel audio is a big deal for the S5II/S5IIx cameras, and this function requires the XLR audio adapter. So the question, if I have a cage with a handle, will the XLR adapter fit under the handle? And what about the Kondor Blue SSD Recording handle? Would one cage be better than another for this?
oh unfortunately i don't have the XLR audio adaptor so can't really answer this question for you :(
An excellent review as always @Richard Wong. As a pure stills guy, the x would offer nothing for me over the regular model, but it would seem that if you’re into video the x is a bit of a no-brainer over the standard version. But all those extra features are just gobbledygook to me!
Thanks Pete for sharing! Oh i forgot to add a link to this forum too, just added to the video description, hoping can bring more L-mount users here :)

Only had the camera for 1 week before launch this time, which means I only had 3 days or so to work on the testing/writing scripts...etc and then left me 3 days for editing/shooting b-roll/thumbnail..etc and some last minute changes.
To be honest i was expecting it is a "short" 20-30 minutes video but there are actually many things i could cover.
There are actually quite a few things I want to go more in-depth like the streaming options, video RAW comparison but have to skip due to time constraints.

Btw, Panasonic hasn't ask me for the camera back yet, so if you guys have questions about the camera, just drop me a comment here (or on youtube) and i can try answer your question
Please make videos going more in depth with streaming options and raw video comparison! I'm very interested in seeing comparisons of highly compressed raw video options, especially BRAW
Thanks Pete for sharing! Oh i forgot to add a link to this forum too, just added to the video description, hoping can bring more L-mount users here :)

Only had the camera for 1 week before launch this time, which means I only had 3 days or so to work on the testing/writing scripts...etc and then left me 3 days for editing/shooting b-roll/thumbnail..etc and some last minute changes.
To be honest i was expecting it is a "short" 20-30 minutes video but there are actually many things i could cover.
There are actually quite a few things I want to go more in-depth like the streaming options, video RAW comparison but have to skip due to time constraints.

Btw, Panasonic hasn't ask me for the camera back yet, so if you guys have questions about the camera, just drop me a comment here (or on youtube) and i can try answer your question
With this version having enhanced wireless functionality does the X have the ability to transfer files wirelessly through FTP or other methods besides the traditional Lumix app?