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Revamp for Sigma I-series lenses


Well-Known Member
Sigma have decided to revamp their wonderful I-series Contemporary lenses by changing markings to a new (and ugly) font and making them available in (ugly) silver to match the new BF camera. The 45mm also gets a change to make it compatible with the magnetic lens caps that were introduced after the 45mm. And just to cause confusion, they are dropping the "DN", which indicates that it was developed for mirrorless cameras, from the naming nomenclature.

The new font looks very much like the old one from when Sigma lenses were really hit-and-miss (mostly miss) with their quality, and I don't think that's a good thing at all. Apart from that association, it looks much less modern.


I do not know, whether I like the new font. Have to see it in reality.

and making them available in (ugly) silver to match the new BF camera.

The silver versions are an additional offer for the silver version of the Sigma BF. This makes sense. Of course the black versions will stay in the normal product line and match then the black version of the Sigma BF too. The news font and logo will be from now on all both, black and silver versions. If you prefer the old font/logo, buy fast as long as it is still available at year dealer.

And just to cause confusion, they are dropping the "DN", which indicates that it was developed for mirrorless cameras, from the naming nomenclature.

PetaPixel mentioned this in their video. DN stands for "digital native". That was an addendum to differentiate between old lens designs for DSLRs, which only got the new L-Mount on it vs. new (smaller, lighter and often better) lens designs which were made specifically for the new mirrorless cameras.

Since Sigma will not design anymore new lenses for DSLRs, this differentiation is not necessary anymore according to Sigma. I would have prefered to stick to the old differentiation. That helps also on the second hand market for people not that familiar with the new lens designs.
Yes, until now DG without DN has indicated DSLR lenses, now it will indicate native mirrorless lenses too, which can only cause confusion.