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Post here if you've ordered an S1Rii

Well, I've been reflecting and I've cancelled my pre-order !

The problem really is that I like the current S1/S1R a lot.

So they didn't go off to MPB after all? ;)

But I can understand this: I'm still unsure about the S1Rii myself. I'd definitely appreciate having a high resolution camera with IBIS, a viewfinder, improved AF, etc, but I really like the small size of my fp L and the quality of the photos it produces: I've never been able to get my S5 photos to look quite as nice in terms of colour. And since I'm definitely keeping the fp L, would an S1Rii just get left at home unless I knew I was going to photograph something that demanded its abilities?

I guess the answer is to wait and see if the S1Rii appears on https://www.lumixloan.com so I can try it out for myself.
But I can understand this: I'm still unsure about the S1Rii myself. I'd definitely appreciate having a high resolution camera with IBIS, a viewfinder, improved AF, etc, but I really like the small size of my fp L and the quality of the photos it produces: I've never been able to get my S5 photos to look quite as nice in terms of colour. And since I'm definitely keeping the fp L, would an S1Rii just get left at home unless I knew I was going to photograph something that demanded its abilities?
Yeah, it’s much the same feel I have about my fp and S5. The fp is the one that goes out with me most of the time, while the S5 mostly sits until I want to use a large lens or need IBIS. (Not all that often.)
I was very, very tempted by the UK kit offers on the S5 II last summer but in the end decided against it due to the reports of lower image quality than the original S5, probably caused by the phase detect AF system. The S5's AF is absolutely fine for almost everything I do and the other advantages are very much nice-to-haves. My K-3 was my main camera for seven years, the K200D before that for five, and I feel that five to seven years is a good time to have a camera in order for a new one to have meaningful upgrades with the pace of technology being what it is. The S5 is coming up for three years so it's young by that standard. The S1R II looks very nice but the truth is there's very little it would do for me that the S5 can't.
Well, I've been reflecting and I've cancelled my pre-order !

The problem really is that I like the current S1/S1R a lot. And I watched @Richard Wong 's review again and he made the point at the end about the build quality of the S1Rii vs the quality of its predecessor. The truth is that I really appreciate the exquisite build quality of the S1/S1R and I really can't fault their performance (either operationally or in terms of results). Sure, the S1R is pretty awful at high ISO, but the S1 is superb at that so I already have all bases covered. And for the photography I do, I don't need any of the AF, video, or high FPS improvements. For sure I'd appreciate the weight and size saving, but TBH, it's the lenses that take all the bulk, so Z04 Haudrauf.

I'd love to get the Live Comp feature without having to pull out my S5, but I can live what that - in truth it's not often I use it.
Yes, I'm about to cancel mine as well, for similar reasons.

I think I have sort of rationalized the need for a PDAF AF system based on the ability to do BIF etc., but I'm not sure how much I really care about that. Not sure if I need another hobby, LOL. Just stick with landscape and astro. Which I have covered well with my current bodies.
So they didn't go off to MPB after all? ;)
Thankfully, I decided to wait a day or so - a "cooling off period" !
But I can understand this: I'm still unsure about the S1Rii myself. I'd definitely appreciate having a high resolution camera with IBIS, a viewfinder, improved AF, etc, but I really like the small size of my fp L and the quality of the photos it produces: I've never been able to get my S5 photos to look quite as nice in terms of colour. And since I'm definitely keeping the fp L, would an S1Rii just get left at home unless I knew I was going to photograph something that demanded its abilities?
The fp L looks a very interesting camera, but the lack of EVF is a deal-breaker for me.
I guess the answer is to wait and see if the S1Rii appears on https://www.lumixloan.com so I can try it out for myself.
Yes, I'll do that once it becomes available - good thinking!!
The fp L looks a very interesting camera, but the lack of EVF is a deal-breaker for me.

You do realize the EVF attachment for the fp works just as well with the fp L, right? <grin, duck, run>

More seriously, I was looking hard at the L at the same time as the regular fp. Two things flipped the balance:
  • Low-light is more important to me than resolution, and I couldn’t find enough on the L’s low-light at the time.
  • I wanted to get a native lens to go with my adapted lenses, and the fp had a bundle with the 45 Contemporary while the L only had a bundle with the EVF.
As it turned out, I almost never use the 45, while the EVF would have been a lot cheaper in a bundle… I sometimes wonder if I made the wrong decision. ^^;;

Yes, I'll do that once it becomes available - good thinking!!

I love, love, love the ability to rent and try before buying. It’s helped me make some buying decisions and helped me avoid making some very bad ones.
Yes, I'm about to cancel mine as well, for similar reasons.
I may be the last man standing.

On some thread here, several months ago when people were expressing what they wanted in the next Lumix L-mount camera, I said I would like a Lumix camera to replace my Sony A1. For me, the S1Rii is awfully close to that, and in many ways quite a bit better. I do video, and appreciate the value of 8K, plus all of the S1Rii's video features. And the pixel count for photos is very close to the A1. I also do some high frame rate photography. And I really like Lumix handling and Lumix color over Sony. Not that the A1 has high resale value after the introduction of the A1 II, but that plus selling my S5II will pay for the S1Rii. So it is win-win for me.
Not that the A1 has high resale value after the introduction of the A1 II, but that plus selling my S5II will pay for the S1Rii. So it is win-win for me.

It is even better for you, because you have then one lens mount only. No Sony lenses needed anymore. That saves a lot of money plus more convenience.
I may be the last man standing.

On some thread here, several months ago when people were expressing what they wanted in the next Lumix L-mount camera, I said I would like a Lumix camera to replace my Sony A1. For me, the S1Rii is awfully close to that, and in many ways quite a bit better. I do video, and appreciate the value of 8K, plus all of the S1Rii's video features. And the pixel count for photos is very close to the A1. I also do some high frame rate photography. And I really like Lumix handling and Lumix color over Sony. Not that the A1 has high resale value after the introduction of the A1 II, but that plus selling my S5II will pay for the S1Rii. So it is win-win for me.
Seems reasonable. As Dirk said, going down to one lens mount would be welcome, I'm sure.

I may still get one. Not sure. But I may also decide to focus more squarely on landscape and go GFX. If the S1RII had the 60 MP sensor, I might have been more inclined to get one. But yes, that horse is dead. Hope it sells well.
Seems reasonable. As Dirk said, going down to one lens mount would be welcome, I'm sure.

I may still get one. Not sure. But I may also decide to focus more squarely on landscape and go GFX.
That's showing commitment George !!

If the S1RII had the 60 MP sensor, I might have been more inclined to get one. But yes, that horse is dead. Hope it sells well.
I don't think the difference between 44 and 60Mp is really that much in practice. It's only 16% more in terms of linear resolution (along the edges!).
I packed my S1R up and it‘s ready to be sold. I will do the transition to the S1Rii.
For sure I will miss the bigger body and perhaps the incredible build quality. But on the other side the package of the new camera is to tempting. The new AF (perhaps it‘s possible to take pictures of birds in flight with the Sigma 150-600…?) and the solid performance at high ISO even under longer exposures. Having the option to take burst if RAW pictures with 10+fps is nice too as well as Live Composition.
I may be the last man standing.

On some thread here, several months ago when people were expressing what they wanted in the next Lumix L-mount camera, I said I would like a Lumix camera to replace my Sony A1. For me, the S1Rii is awfully close to that, and in many ways quite a bit better. I do video, and appreciate the value of 8K, plus all of the S1Rii's video features. And the pixel count for photos is very close to the A1. I also do some high frame rate photography. And I really like Lumix handling and Lumix color over Sony. Not that the A1 has high resale value after the introduction of the A1 II, but that plus selling my S5II will pay for the S1Rii. So it is win-win for me.

Having the same mount and same battery across your cameras is great. Since trading my GX85 and m4/3 lenses for the S9, I now have that and while it doesn't sound like a big thing, it's a great convenience.