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Petapixel chat on the SL3s and L mount’s future

This is a great example of how the lack of an S1ii or a published roadmap is leading to ongoing questions about the future of the system. I'm beginning to think that the S1 line might indeed be dead. The general reason for not announcing a new product is that it kills sales of the product it's replacing (the Osborne effect). But the S1 has been dead as a sales proposition for at least a year, and maybe longer. A roadmap announcement for a new S1 would not damage Panasonic's sales. In fact, it would help build confidence in the system and avoid negative speculation like the above; it would also perhaps cause potential system switchers to press the pause button.

Just what is going on at Lumix? I think it's entirely possible that they are leaving the high-end bodies to Leica.

In the past with m4/3 cameras, Panasonic simply didn't continue with some lines, e.g. GM5 has no successor, and it appears the same now for the GX line. So it is entirely possible that there won't be another S1 series camera.

There have been so many rumors about a high end Lumix camera that people have started thinking of this as a fact, that it is coming and coming soon. The fact is we don't know what Panasonic is planning, or what might be coming. When the fantastic camera of the rumors doesn't happen, for some this means doom and gloom for Lumix. I try to not get wrapped up in the rumors, or to spend time worrying about Panasonic's market share or the fate of Lumix. The S5II and S5IIx cameras are excellent and the L-Mount lenses are excellent, and I'd rather just use these and leave the worrying to the worriers. And Panasonic will be just fine.

I agree Charles. There isn't anything missing in my S5II and while it would be nice to see more models released, I don't need or want one and find the doom & gloom type discussion from PetaPixel and others to be so negative.

Look at latest firmware update, it's like what Apple do. S5ii on way to being their most popular camera, may as well include X model as they are the same. That doesn't look like a company potentially on the ropes soon. Daumenhoch

I was so pumped to see the latest firmware update! The firmware updates for the S5II have been awesome!
I'm one of the few happy ones with what I have for 10+ years, I know if I want to get good stuff I'm going to have to get out more. I was spoilt by the October Aurora, can't expect that anytime you are just out.
We need to see also the positive facts. We have with L-Mount-Forum.com and L-Mount-Forum.de 2 islands, in English and German, on which we can meet and help each other to fight against all kind of negative wibes out there.

We are not dependent anymore on rumor sites or negative youtube reviewers or (lack of) communication of brands. We can discuss the facts and not get pushed by dramatic theories and clickbates.

We can enjoy here together our hobby, even if we have to wait longer than we would prefer for newer products. z04 dance00
Well, I hope you’re all right. Personally, I think L mount without Panasonic having competitive products across more than entry/mid is not viable long term. They will lose the confidence of the opinion makers which will in turn lead to the system leaking market share. That’s how the game works.

But maybe the S1ii rumours have some truth in them and it will arrive - like the prophet Zarkon, just before the heat death of the universe!
Personally, I think L mount without Panasonic having competitive products across more than entry/mid is not viable long term.

I do think we all agree on this point. Panasonic needs to offer a system and part of a system are always also 1-2 high-end cameras.

My point only differs that I am not afraid that a high-end model will not come.

IMHO one or two LMount "high-end" models will come for sure. In my view in 2025 unless there are really technical reasons that Panasonic can not / does not want to deliver them in 2025.

I do also think that a future S1Rii will perform better in various areas than the Leica SL3. Panasonic can not afford to "only" give us a relabeled Leica body. Panasonic is the innovator in this cooperation, not Leica.

We can all relax. High-end Lumix models will come and they will be good.
Seems that OM Systems are teasing the OM-3 launch on Feb 6th. We've also been getting OM-3 concrete rumours since the new year. So, 5-6 weeks notice. Nothing about anything from Panasonic yet of course, so maybe at least end Feb earliest for any S1ii announcement.

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