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Panasonic Lumix S 18mm F1.8

I like the less subject distorted images personally the most. But the shallow depth pictures are also beautiful.
Yeah, it's all just personal preference. I love the exaggerated curves and perspective that ultrawide can produce, and deliberately chase it. A Tilt & Shift holds zero appeal to me lol.
A Tilt & Shift holds zero appeal to me lol.
I know, but I would like to try one . I know that the Leica Q3 has even a finder especially designed to help with framing to get undistorted pictures.
The 18 is tack sharp as the 14-28?
Like I wrote, I'm not the person for doing lens comparison testing. However, today the Wife & I were out and about running errands ready for our trip, and we drove past this. I thought I'd previously shot it with the 14-28mm, as it turned out I had used the Lumix 20-60mm. Which is no slouch. Pretty damn sharp stopped down to my eye to be honest. Anyway, to the annoyance of the Wife, I stopped and shot a couple of frames. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, it's a totally flawed test if you want scientifically controlled etc. Different day, different light, slightly different focal length and I moved a bit to try and match the framing -from memory, and so on. But it is what it is, real world shooting. See what you think. If you click on them it'll take you to Flickr and they're viewable at full resolution there. That's as far as I'm going to go with tests.
54404392771_e318bd7021_h.jpg250125-P1025032 by Markus Welder, on Flickr

54404625343_4693b6dc8f_h.jpg250323-P1025937 by Markus Welder, on Flickr

I did do a couple of really really boring shots the other day with the 14-28mm & 18mm both at F4.5, I can't pick any difference. Any difference there might be is just due to slightly different focus points, to me they're indistinguishable. But the 18mm opens right up to 1.8, the 14-28mm is stuck at F4.5 at that focal length. I think. They're all good. No, make that excellent.