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Well-Known Member

This is not going to end well. Someone's going to get a size 10 to the nether regions for sure :)
That is kind of funny, although it is sad, because similar things happened in the past also with another brand. This should not happen in the same industry twice.

I guess the marketing agency, who was responsible for this will not get the next project. ;)

It is sometimes crazy what happens, if non-photographers are involved in marketing decisions.
That is kind of funny, although it is sad, because similar things happened in the past also with another brand. This should not happen in the same industry twice.

I guess the marketing agency, who was responsible for this will not get the next project. ;)

It is sometimes crazy what happens, if non-photographers are involved in marketing decisions.
Yeah, I had a bit of a giggle about it all, but it does have the potential to damage the brand far more than a bit of an oddball (in some people's eye's) camera, for sure. Which is a bit sobering.
Yeah, I had a bit of a giggle about it all, but it does have the potential to damage the brand far more than a bit of an oddball (in some people's eye's) camera, for sure. Which is a bit sobering.

in 4 weeks nobody cares anymore. It is just a hype about Panasonic atm and news sites try to benefit from it now.

For the other brand it was no damage either. Nobody cared about a few weeks later.
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in 4 weeks nobody cares anymore. It is just a hype about Panasonic atm and news sites try to benefit from it now.

For the other brand it was no damage either. Nobody cared about a few weeks later.
He he he. Yeah, at the risk of being called a one eyed brand apologist, the people who would be the most outraged over the whole thing, would be the people who had no intention of buying the brand's products anyway.
I guess the marketing agency, who was responsible for this will not get the next project. ;)

Years ago at a national football championship.
The next day the football team was honoured by a full-page spread congratulations from the local newspaper.

“We are the champignons !!”

Instead of "We are the champions !!"

Z04 Smileys26
champignons = French word for mushrooms Z04 Breakdance.gifZ04 Carrot
in 4 weeks nobody cares anymore. It is just a hype about Panasonic atm and news sites try to benefit from it now.
Four weeks? Apparently, there's another Lumix launch on June 5th. Probably m43 rather than L-mount, but perhaps fixed lens - the Panasonic equivalent of the Leica D-Lux 8 (aka LX100 iii).

yeah pretty sure no one will remember that after a week or two.

until it happens to another brand , then the Lumix will be added to the list of these companies also did it in the past article
Four weeks? Apparently, there's another Lumix launch on June 5th. Probably m43 rather than L-mount, but perhaps fixed lens - the Panasonic equivalent of the Leica D-Lux 8 (aka LX100 iii).

The D-Lux is probably not that exciting. Same sensor and same lens as the old one.

But a GX10? Z04 Sabber