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New S5II / S9 Owner


New Member
Hey all. I was away from photography for a couple of years, so I'm very new around here...just entered the Lumix family at the tail end of February when I decided I wanted to get back into photography, so I purchased a new S5II with the 20-60 kit lens. I was a longtime Nikon shooter, and then had some time shooting with Fujifilm and Sony. Hoping I made a good decision...I'm not really all that into video, but I did like the the value of the S5II and I really seem to like the Lumix color science and I think the image quality is great.

I've recently added an S9 with another 20-60 lens, the Lumix 50mm, Lumix 85mm, Lumix 100mm Macro, and just the other day I got the Sigma 100-400mm.

Would absolutely love some kind of L-mount AF pancake lens for street photography, but I'm starting to think that ain't gonna happen anytime soon! The Sigma 45mm might be what I end up with as a street lens on the S9, but I can hope for something else down the road. I also tried the TTArtisan 50mm MF lens but kinda thought it sucked (maybe the particular lens I got was sub-par because in some of the reviews I saw it looked pretty decent) so I returned it!

Here are a few shots from a recent street excursion here in Cincinnati with the S9 and 20-60mm...





Snagged this bird shot with the S5II and Sigma 100-400 the day I got the Sigma...still feeling my way around that lens...

Welcome to LMF33
I really like the picture with the blind man's stick near the shop window “Nothing to see here”.
I'm also waiting for an AF pancake lens for street photography. Hopefully we will be heard.

Also...does anyone have any experience using an anomorphic lens for strictly photography?!? Got a wild hair up my rear for the Sirui 35mm f/1.8 Ano lens for photograhy!
Also...does anyone have any experience using an anomorphic lens for strictly photography?!?
I use the Sirui Saturn 50mm 1.6x for photography, and I love the look. I'm also slowly looking at the 35mm and 75mm Saturn lenses.

Take a look at the Cadrage app for your phone. This is a viewfinder that shows the field of view on your phone that you are going to get with the anamorphic lens on your camera, and is very useful for setting up shots.
I also really enjoy shooting with S9 as my daily camera
As Dirk said, the lumix 18-40 is the smallest lens for L mount right now, that is a great every day lens!
I really wish Viltrox joins the L mount alliance soon as they have some really nice tiny auto focus lenses. Their 28 4.5 pancake is just so good and their upcoming 50 f/2 is also nice and small. But the TTArtisan mf 50 is a nice small cheap lens too, maybe you got a bad copy.
I shoot photo with anamorphic lenses with my s5ii and really like the anamorphic photos
Btw if anyone want a smaller size not too expensive prime lens, I have a L mount lens review that I will publish on Friday that I think you will enjoy
Btw if anyone want a smaller size not too expensive prime lens, I have a L mount lens review that I will publish on Friday that I think you will enjoy

28mm ??? Z04 Sabber.
Hey all. I was away from photography for a couple of years, so I'm very new around here...just entered the Lumix family at the tail end of February when I decided I wanted to get back into photography, so I purchased a new S5II with the 20-60 kit lens. I was a longtime Nikon shooter, and then had some time shooting with Fujifilm and Sony. Hoping I made a good decision...I'm not really all that into video, but I did like the the value of the S5II and I really seem to like the Lumix color science and I think the image quality is great.

I've recently added an S9 with another 20-60 lens, the Lumix 50mm, Lumix 85mm, Lumix 100mm Macro, and just the other day I got the Sigma 100-400mm.
Welcome to the forum! You've got yourself a very nice set of L-mount gear in a short space of time!

Would absolutely love some kind of L-mount AF pancake lens for street photography, but I'm starting to think that ain't gonna happen anytime soon! The Sigma 45mm might be what I end up with as a street lens on the S9, but I can hope for something else down the road. I also tried the TTArtisan 50mm MF lens but kinda thought it sucked (maybe the particular lens I got was sub-par because in some of the reviews I saw it looked pretty decent) so I returned it!
As others have mentioned, the LUMIX 18-40mm is probably the best small/light AF lens at this stage and I use it on my S9. I also have three of the Sigma contemporary primes - 24mm f3.5, 45mm and 90mm. Of these, the 45mm and the 24mm are about the same small size as the 18-40mm although just a bit heavier. But great quality.

The LUMIX 26mm f8 produces great images too if you don't mind manual focus and can deal with the fixed aperture. It is a really nice small and light lens on the S9. If there was a similar sized 28mm AF lens released I would grab it immediately.
Thanks everyone!

I know about the 18-40, and even though it's smaller than the 20-60 I don't really want to put that amount of money into a lens of very similar length and it's not a very fast lens either. Probably would rather get something like the Sigma 35.

I'd really love a tiny, fast, well-built 35mm prime to just pretty much leave on the S9 most of the time. I can't believe Panasonic hasn't made something small and perfect for the S9 at this point. The 18-40 looks nice but then it extends out and looks (to me at least) a lot cheaper than when it's closed, and the 26mm f/8 might indeed have good image quality, but I have zero interest in a MF fixed aperture lens unless I could pick it up for like $50...$199 USD is insane for that lens in my opinion. For now, with the Sirui handgrip, the S9 is ok with the 20-60 lens...just too big!
Yes, there is definitely a small & good pancake lens missing for the S9. But I have more hope since the announcement of the Sigma BF.

We have now 2 small L-Mount fullframe bodies without EVF. This means there is more pressure to deliver a FFL, which is easy to use with these bodies.

IMHO this can only be a FFL like 28mm, 35mm or 40mm Everything longer or heavier is too difficult to use without an EVF.

My bet is on 28mm and 40mm, because we do not have these focal ranges not yet as FFL in L-Mount (except the huge Leica and the huge DSLR converted Sigma).

I think 2025 will be the year of 28mm and 40mm. If not, I run crazy.... Z04 Head Wall

In 2023 we had 14 new lenses from all 3 brands. In 2024 we had 12 new lenses.

In 2025 we got 2 new lenses so far. I assume that we get at least 8-10 new lenses additionally this year. Only from Sigma, Panasonic and Leica. Not counting all the other brands which might join the alliance this year.
@Richard Wong 28mm and with AF ? :cool: or 135 and small with AF ? :cool:

I already said more than I was supposed to. Just wait 2 more days. Don't hype up too much, it's not a big release but still I think it's interesting!
Why everyone is obsessed with 28mm But it's strange most companies don't make 28mm lens at all for some reason

@Mapleleaf14 I love my Sigma 45 2.8. it's not the sharpest lens, but it's small and amazing build quality.
I'm also looking at some kind of compact 28-35mm for the S9. Perhaps the promised Meike 35/1.8 PRO or Viltrox 35/2.8. But optically, I don't think it will be parity. I also looked at the 7 Artisans 35/2 mkii Wen through the adapter.
But it's strange most companies don't make 28mm lens at all for some reason

Leica has many 28mm for its M system and for the Q3.

Fuji has already 3 versions of 28mm equivalent.

Nikon Z has 26, 28 and 40mm,

Canon has a small RF28mm, even Sony has a light 28mm since 2015 etc. etc. etc.

Why is L-Mount sleeping?
oh true!
i was thinking Sigma, Tamron, Leica (AF), TTArtisan, Sony and a few other brands that don't have any modern AF 28mm lens.
Completely forgot Nikon has that lovely pancake!
We have now 2 small L-Mount fullframe bodies without EVF. This means there is more pressure to deliver a FFL, which is easy to use with these bodies.
Three if you don't include the add on EVF for the Fp/FpL.. all of them crying out for compact lenses, and 28mm well overdue.
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