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News New L-Mount Alliance Members

That‘s great news, Samyang has some interesting lenses for e-mount. Now we can expect to see them for our l-mount
Good news. Perhaps the success of the S5-II and S5-IIx has grown the L-mount market size.
What even is Astrodesign? I haven't ever heard of them.
They're a Japanese company who specialise in high speed digital signal processing; they make professional 8K video cameras, recorders, video processors and so forth.

It'll be interesting to have Samyang as a "first party" lens manufacturer, but I do wonder what Sigma will think of that...
They're a Japanese company who specialise in high speed digital signal processing; they make professional 8K video cameras, recorders, video processors and so forth.

It'll be interesting to have Samyang as a "first party" lens manufacturer, but I do wonder what Sigma will think of that...
One of aspects of the Samyang zoom lenses that I really like is that the zoom ring operates in the same direction as the Panny lenses, while Sigma zooms operate in the opposite direction. Drives me nuts.

Of course, Samyang only has two zooms at the moment, but it will be interesting to see if they introduce some telephoto zooms to compete with Sigma. We have lots of UW zoom lenses available, and a decent amount of mid-range zooms, but the pickings are pretty thin on the super-telephoto end for L-mount.

Having said that, I've always wanted a T/S lens, and Samyang has one. Probably be a while before that one is adapted to L-mount, however.
I wonder what it really means that a company is part of the alliance? After all, there are L-mount lenses made by firms that are not.
I wonder what it really means that a company is part of the alliance? After all, there are L-mount lenses made by firms that are not.
From what I understand It's not the mount but the internal mechanisms and electronics that must meet the alliance requirements. 3rd party lenses don't have auto focus that I know of. All L Mount alliance companies are considered first party also.
I don't think Sigma will be too troubled by the presence of Samyang. While I understand that Samyang have some optically very good lenses, they also have many not-so-good ones, while the only Sigma lens for the L-mount I'm aware of that isn't spectacularly good is the 45/2.8. Personally, I can't imagine anything pulling me away from what Sigma offer except in cases where there's no alternative.
I don't think Sigma will be too troubled by the presence of Samyang. While I understand that Samyang have some optically very good lenses, they also have many not-so-good ones, while the only Sigma lens for the L-mount I'm aware of that isn't spectacularly good is the 45/2.8. Personally, I can't imagine anything pulling me away from what Sigma offer except in cases where there's no alternative.
True, but what may be most relevant is the trajectory of Samyang's lens quality. They seem to be producing some very good quality lenses these days. If Samyang port over their 135mm f/1.8 for example, that's a very quick "buy me now" decision, for example!
The more the merrier.

I started watching a YouTube video by one of the usual talking heads who began by disparaging L-mount. Turned it off quickly. It's almost as thought the more ignorance you spout, the more popular your channel. It can't be true, can it? ;-)
True, but what may be most relevant is the trajectory of Samyang's lens quality. They seem to be producing some very good quality lenses these days. If Samyang port over their 135mm f/1.8 for example, that's a very quick "buy me now" decision, for example!
Yes, if they've realised that upping their quality is the route to success then that's a good sign of what's to come.
The more the merrier.

I started watching a YouTube video by one of the usual talking heads who began by disparaging L-mount. Turned it off quickly. It's almost as thought the more ignorance you spout, the more popular your channel. It can't be true, can it? ;-)
It seems to be the way of the world these days... and not just for photography - for everything.

I stay away from all but a select few photography channels on YouTube as most are run by idiots.
Excellent news that Samyang and Astrodesign have joined the L-mount Alliance. The more, the better. It will give the L-Mount a big push in lens range, although the lens range is already very good with well above 60 native lenses.

The key here is addressing different target groups. It is not only the question which lens is still missing in L-Mount. It is even more important to offer the same FL in different price categories. We need more lens offers with a cheaper price tag to be able to increase the market share of the L-Mount. Additionally this gives Sigma, Panasonic and Leica the ability to stick with higher prices and therefore higher margins. It is a win-win-win situation. Costumers, the old L-Mount members and the new L-Mount members have advantages with this step.

Kyocera did that decades ago as the very first company with this kind of strategy in 70ies/80ies. They had 2 different brands Contax and Yashica. Both shared the same lens mount and electronics, but had different target groups at different price points. People with less money or i.e. students bought into Yashica and knew, that once they have more money, they can also add Zeiss lenses or even a Contax body and everything is compatible. That is a very smart way to keep people in your system and grow with them.

Sony did more or less the same with its MLU system by allowing third parties to access their protocols.
I suspect that's an interesting lens but the E mount version is a bit of a lump so expect this will be, in the region of 1230 grams, don't think it will be for me but look forward to seeing images and hearing what others make of it, and it's great to have these options now for L mount.
I'd love to have that lens, but for me it would be a "luxury" lens - meaning, it would not be part of my mainstream usage patterns. So, probably wait until I find a nice used copy.