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New firmware for the S5ii(X) coming!!!


LMF-Patron Gold

No word about the G9II autofocus modes, but we can hope....
However the stated improvements are also nice...

I have also some vintage lenses I hardly use... But I will give them another shot when this firmware arrives!
Looks like a very interesting firmware update... my S52 has been in hospital for over a week now waiting for spare parts.. hope it comes back soon with the new firmware installed and ready to go, can't wait.:)
The new firmware has now been released, available on this page:

And the full user manual has been updated with additional pages explaining the new features in the firmware, including previous firmware updates.
And the manuals for the s5iiX:

Looks like a very interesting firmware update... my S52 has been in hospital for over a week now waiting for spare parts.. hope it comes back soon with the new firmware installed and ready to go, can't wait.:)

Oh dear, what happened to your S52 Jayne?
Oh dear, what happened to your S52 Jayne?
Not totally sure. For a few days I was getting frustrated because the shutter button - half press was having no effect, tried all the usual re-sets etc because at first I was sure I had set something up in the menu incorrectly, then the shutter button failed altogether - nothing. Sent it in and has been showing on DKAV's site as spare parts ordered for a few days now, so will know more when they get it back to me.:confused:

I installed this firmware update 2.2 on my 5SII and took some handheld high-res test pictures.

I had the handheld high-res feature on my GH6 and it never worked very well; my hands are not really steady and more often that not the picture would fail to process. That is a M43 camera with good stabilization so I did not have great expectations for the fiull frame 5SII. But surprise, the S5II pictures I took all processed. The question is, how good are they?

With update 2.2 there is a new high resolution setting; 'Handheld High-Res, ON or OFF'. When set to ON, Motion blur processing defaults to MODE 2, perhaps implying to expect somewhat poorer performance. Also with Handheld High-Res set to ON a new icon appears on the camera screen, the multi-picture icon is combined with the stabilizer icon - possibly implying that the stabilizer is synched with all the pictures. When you shoot the viewfinder goes blank for all the shots, so you don't know how stably you hold the camera.

I shot in RAW, in daylight. With the 16-35 f/4 lens, at 35mm, my results varied from good to outstanding. At best these were true 12000 by 8000 pixel shots. When blown up x200% or higher the pixels appeared uniform across sloping line features. At worst there was some camera motion that displaced a few pixels, and you could see this at x200% and higher.

With the 24-105 f/4 lens, at 105mm, the results were consistently outstanding. This lens has optical stabilization, combined with the IBIS.

So tentatively the handheld high-res results look good, and this is a feature I'll use. It seems better when optical stabilization is used. With any handheld shooting your results will vary, so I'm anxious to hear what others find.
Thanks for the report Charles! I've updated my firmware but not yet been out with the camera. I have a few days off late next week and travelling to a scenic location so will take the camera and give it a try.
The firmware update worked just fine (a much better method than the one used by OM System). The HHHR files are...bigger. Examined side by side at equivalent zoom with the non high-res. companions, some are slightly sharper, some are not: I assume that one has to be particularly careful with technique. The process of picture taking using HHHR is pretty slow with a long blackout. What's the deal with MODE 2?
I managed to crash Capture One twice when attempting to edit the HHHR pictures. When I created JPEGs from the HHHR files, they refused to upload to Flickr (maybe because the two that I tried were 60Mb and 78Mb, or maybe because they are odd in some other way). I could downsize them, but that rather takes away the whole point of high resolution. For me, HHHR is not worth the hassle (FYI, the computer is i7-9700K, 3.60 GHz, 16.0 GB).
I managed to crash Capture One twice when attempting to edit the HHHR pictures. When I created JPEGs from the HHHR files, they refused to upload to Flickr (maybe because the two that I tried were 60Mb and 78Mb, or maybe because they are odd in some other way). I could downsize them, but that rather takes away the whole point of high resolution. For me, HHHR is not worth the hassle (FYI, the computer is i7-9700K, 3.60 GHz, 16.0 GB).
That's not the fault of the HHRS image. Mine open fine in Photolab. Next, HHRS Images make no sense for the web. My large prints of HHRS landscapes look fantastic (made with GH6).
It's too early to say whether or not Panasonic S5ii HHHR images cause software problems; let's see if others have issues. All I can say at present is that the exact same images in regular resolution do not give me any problems. I agree with you that for me, High Resolution makes no sense, because I can't use it on the web and I don't print bigger than A3+, which is fine with 24 megapixels.

I installed this firmware update 2.2 on my 5SII and took some handheld high-res test pictures.

I had the handheld high-res feature on my GH6 and it never worked very well; my hands are not really steady and more often that not the picture would fail to process. That is a M43 camera with good stabilization so I did not have great expectations for the fiull frame 5SII. But surprise, the S5II pictures I took all processed. The question is, how good are they?

With update 2.2 there is a new high resolution setting; 'Handheld High-Res, ON or OFF'. When set to ON, Motion blur processing defaults to MODE 2, perhaps implying to expect somewhat poorer performance. Also with Handheld High-Res set to ON a new icon appears on the camera screen, the multi-picture icon is combined with the stabilizer icon - possibly implying that the stabilizer is synched with all the pictures. When you shoot the viewfinder goes blank for all the shots, so you don't know how stably you hold the camera.

I shot in RAW, in daylight. With the 16-35 f/4 lens, at 35mm, my results varied from good to outstanding. At best these were true 12000 by 8000 pixel shots. When blown up x200% or higher the pixels appeared uniform across sloping line features. At worst there was some camera motion that displaced a few pixels, and you could see this at x200% and higher.

With the 24-105 f/4 lens, at 105mm, the results were consistently outstanding. This lens has optical stabilization, combined with the IBIS.

So tentatively the handheld high-res results look good, and this is a feature I'll use. It seems better when optical stabilization is used. With any handheld shooting your results will vary, so I'm anxious to hear what others find.
Thank you for the report, Charles! Are you able to share any of the results (or crops) here? Would love to see how well it works.
It's too early to say whether or not Panasonic S5ii HHHR images cause software problems; let's see if others have issues. All I can say at present is that the exact same images in regular resolution do not give me any problems. I agree with you that for me, High Resolution makes no sense, because I can't use it on the web and I don't print bigger than A3+, which is fine with 24 megapixels.
I’ve used these files quite a bit with Lightroom, with Topaz Gigapixel AI and Topaz Photo AI and have not seen any issues.

A main application of these images is to allow for more cropping, not necessarily bigger prints.