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More 7Artisans Gear?

The Rigger

LMF-Patron Gold
Anyone taken a whack at the 7Artisans 10mm f/2.8 ultra-wide?
One of 'em showed up at my local pawn shop a couple of days ago, cheap enough to consider it prectically disposable, and I'm tempted. Not quite a fish-eye, I think, but in the neighborhood, perhaps?

It's odd enough to find any L-mount gear around here amongst all the Canon and Nikon...
I'm disappointed that no-one seems to be reporting on new lenses from 7Artisans despite their announcement several months ago of multiple new compact lenses, which are just what the system needs.
I'm disappointed that no-one seems to be reporting on new lenses from 7Artisans despite their announcement several months ago of multiple new compact lenses, which are just what the system needs.
I think they aren't available yet. Not on L-Mount, but also not on E- or Z-mount to my knowledge.
I'm disappointed that no-one seems to be reporting on new lenses from 7Artisans despite their announcement several months ago of multiple new compact lenses, which are just what the system needs.
Those lenses are not available yet.
Only the 50 1.8 L is ready.