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News Meike 55mm F1.8 "Pro" fullframe AF L-Mount lens

I am confused. There is already a Meike 50mm F1.8 fullframe AF L-Mount lens for around 200€ availabe. Similar weight. But no "Pro" label on it.

I am surprised that they bring out now this 55/1.8 "Pro", which sounds like it should be better as a "Pro model", but for less money. But the 55/1.8 Pro model would only cost around 180€.
Perhaps the pricing policy is related to competition with other Chinese manufacturers such as 7artisans TTartisan or Viltrox, which already has some kind of fame.
p/s By the way, the price of 1500 may be Chinese yuan, although initially it was about dollars.
By the way, the price of 1500 may be Chinese yuan, although initially it was about dollars.

That would make the lens only around 15 € more expensive. Around 195€ and still less than the other Meike 50/1.8 lens. I am curious about this launch.
Which of these two new meike "pro" lens are you more interested in?
55 1.8 or 85 1.8

They are asking if I can review these lenses, I definitely don't have time to review both so wondering if anyone is more interested in one of these lenses and why?
btw, since I reviewed their last two AF lenses in L mount already, I am not sure I will do the next review in L mount again or switch to E (or Z) mount this time
Which of these two new meike "pro" lens are you more interested in?
55 1.8 or 85 1.8

This will be of course very subjective. My vote goes for the 55/1.8.

We can make an extra thread with a voting if you want to? I can send out a newsletter, so that the members know a voting is online.
This will be of course very subjective. My vote goes for the 55/1.8.

We can make an extra thread with a voting if you want to? I can send out a newsletter, so that the members know a voting is online.
Thanks for the offer, but that’s ok just some responses from the regulars are good enough!
I definitely don't have time to review both so wondering if anyone is more interested in one of these lenses and why?
55/1.8. Because this is not the 50mm standard and 55 has a slight advantage in terms of sideways/rendering in the portrait part.
My vote goes also for the 55/1.8. Indeed, I would love to see a test in L-Mount and comparison to the lumix 50/1.8, but a test and E-Mount and comparison to the 55mm Sony Zeiss would be obvious. I probably wouldn't switch anyway. I'm happy with my Lumix 50mm and 85mm lenses.
My vote goes also for the 55/1.8. Indeed, I would love to see a test in L-Mount and comparison to the lumix 50/1.8, but a test and E-Mount and comparison to the 55mm Sony Zeiss would be obvious. I probably wouldn't switch anyway. I'm happy with my Lumix 50mm and 85mm lenses.

@Richard Wong

Sony vs Meike vs. Pana. Do all 3 if it is not too time consuming.
I’d be more interested in the 55mm as it’s a s more unusual/interesting focal range.
Take these focal lengths with a pinch, legacy 50s could vary widely by ~10%, but maybe it is 55 exactly, you'd need to measure it.

55 has been done before, I still have a legacy MF Pentax 55mm f1.8 and there is nothing interesting and unusual about it. They then had a modern 55 f1.4 for DSLR era.

No way I'd want the Meike over the Lumix 50 which you can get for the same price open box unused. If it has distinctive bokeh or rendering some maybe are interested, otherwise?
I already have the LUMIX 50mm, the Sigma 45mm and the Sigma 90mm lenses so I am not looking at these Meike lenses.
I think the question was less what lens we would buy now. The question is more which FL is in our view more interesting, if you would have no lenses at all. No matter which brand.