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March 2025 Image and Video Thread

Do you have any de-noise tools? If you'd like, link me one of those totality raw's and I can try running it through the one I use.

I don't use anything, generally. There's a BlurXterminator plug-in in PixInsight I use for deep-space astro shots, but in general I try keeping the ISO setting low to prevent noise from being generated in the first place - it's a relic from my film days, I guess.

Dunno if this will work, but there's an RW2 file here:
Last weekend I had a short studio shoot with a very nice young lady. She is 21, what is not believable in some of the pictures...

Pictures with S1R, Sigma 1.4/85 DGDN and Sigma 1,2/50 DGDN
Available light from window
Photoshop with Nik SilverEfex

P2_49420 30x45sw.jpg
  • Panasonic - DC-S1R
  • 85mm F1.4 DG DN | Art 020
  • 85.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.4
  • 1/500 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 100

P2_49449 30x45sw.jpg
  • Panasonic - DC-S1R
  • 85mm F1.4 DG DN | Art 020
  • 85.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.4
  • 1/400 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 100

P2_49501 30x45sw.jpg
  • Panasonic - DC-S1R
  • 50mm F1.2 DG DN | Art 024
  • 50.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.2
  • 1/125 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • ISO 100
I don't use anything, generally. There's a BlurXterminator plug-in in PixInsight I use for deep-space astro shots, but in general I try keeping the ISO setting low to prevent noise from being generated in the first place - it's a relic from my film days, I guess.

Dunno if this will work, but there's an RW2 file here:

Well, nuts. It looked like noise that On1 was able to do a pretty good job with on my pics, but this was the best I could get from it:

  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 373.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.30000019073
  • 1/8 sec
  • Pattern
  • ISO 6400

I think the ISO 6400 may have been part of it; I got the best results with shutter speed settings that kept the ISO between 800 and 1600.
I think the ISO 6400 may have been part of it; I got the best results with shutter speed settings that kept the ISO between 800 and 1600.
I'm sure the high ISO number contributed, given how clear the pre-totality ISO 100 shots look, but on the other hand the Read Noise in the S5's sensor is pretty low at anything above ISO 600 or so, ...

Lumix S5 — Read Noise vs ISO.png
This was taken from the Photons to Photos website's archive.
Also, between the shutter speeds I was using and the ambient temperature ("Brisk" would be an apt description), I don't believe my problem was thermal noise. I doubt the sensor had any time to heat up, even shooting at 1/5th of a second.

[*shrug*] I'm still pretty chuffed with what I got, all things considered. And I've got 5-6 years to think about how I'd do the next one differently. Your shots are impressive, so much so that I just swooped a mint-ish Tamron 55BB and a K&F Concept L-mount adaptor for myself off eBay last night. It could be the best $150 astro lens I've ever seen.