Pete_W LMF-Patron Today at 07:05 #61 Early morning hot air balloons over Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra. Panasonic - DC-S5M2 LUMIX S 70-300/F4.5-5.6 133.0 mm ƒ/7.1 1/160 sec Pattern Auto exposure ISO 250
Early morning hot air balloons over Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra. Panasonic - DC-S5M2 LUMIX S 70-300/F4.5-5.6 133.0 mm ƒ/7.1 1/160 sec Pattern Auto exposure ISO 250
Pete_W LMF-Patron 32 minutes ago #62 Here is a short clip of fireworks in Canberra. Taken hand-held with the S9 + Sigma 45mm, MP4 lite format.
Here is a short clip of fireworks in Canberra. Taken hand-held with the S9 + Sigma 45mm, MP4 lite format.