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Lumix Webcam app

I use Zoom and Skype quite a lot and was hoping to use my S5ii as a webcam.

I’m running an M1 Pro MacBook Pro on Sonoma.

I have downloaded the software from Panasonic, it appears to finish installing, but after completing a restart the app is nowhere to be found.

I read somewhere that Apple have new security features in their OS and it’s up to Panasonic to update it’s software to make it compatible.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?
That is a very interesting question. I never did that, but would like to do that too. Quality will be so much better than the usual webcam.

How/where are you planning to put the S5ii on the table? With a table tripod or with a special desk arm or a tripod on the floor behind the desk?

The camera is not very light, so it might shake if you move your arms/hands on the desk.
I was thinking of using a tripod…

ok, test this out how much space you have behind your desk. A tripod might be too large. A monopod could help, like the ifootage.

As soon as you put the camera on a desk somehow, you have to deal with shake if you move. I have not made tests yet, though.
I have a spare mic boom, maybe I’ll investigate that?

I have managed to install the Lumix tethering software but you need something like OBS or similar to feed it through and I don’t really want to install more and more software…
You do not need software like OBS to use a camera normally. OBS is needed if you want to record your Call/streaming. You go into your Zoom or Skype settings and pick the Lumix S5 as your webcam.

I am not sure how the S5 has to be connected with your PC (via USB cable or HDMI?) so Skype/Zoom recognize it. But maybe there is something written in the manual about it?
I use Zoom and Skype quite a lot and was hoping to use my S5ii as a webcam.
I used the S5 for a webcam during the pandemic. I just used the Panasonic software. And I had a tripod on my desk, just behind the monitor. This all worked fine, I always got compliments about the webcam quality. Back then you couldn't buy a webcam, they were all sold out.
I used the S5 for a webcam during the pandemic. I just used the Panasonic software. And I had a tripod on my desk, just behind the monitor. This all worked fine, I always got compliments about the webcam quality. Back then you couldn't buy a webcam, they were all sold out.

With what cable did you connect your S5 with the PC?
The Panasonic Webcam app doesn’t work on later versions of MacOS. I’d suggest you get a cheap HDMI to USB video capture dongle and use that with a simple HDMI cable to your camera. It works perfectly and doesn’t need any additional software installing to use it.
Ahhhh yes. That walled garden strikes again
I don’t think in this case it’s the walled garden problem. Even on Windows you need a driver from Panasonic. The problem is that Apple have added new security requirements into MacOS that requires developers of this sort of software to make changes - and Panasonic haven’t bothered to do that.