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Lumix S9 unedited JPGs (Real Time LUT) from Japan

Richard Wong

Well-Known Member
hey guys,
I shot thousands of photos with the S9 over the last week, so I may create a video or two on my channel so I can include some behind the scene video/explainations..etc
But l want to share some photos with you guys first. Most of the photos were shot with the S 28-200 lens, and a few shot with the new 26mm f/8 and 85 1.8.
All are unedited JPG straight out of camera using Real Time LUT
I REALLY enjoy travelling with the 28-200, to me it's the perfect travel lens.

Kyoto Group Activity, we all doing the touristy thing.
Lens: Lumix S 28-200mm #2 #4 Lumix S 85mm f/1.8 #1 #3
  • Panasonic - DC-S9
  • LUMIX S 85/F1.8
  • 85.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • 1
  • ISO 640

Osaka Evening - Dotoburi / Umeda
Lens: Lumix S 28-200mm
  • Panasonic - DC-S9
  • LUMIX S 28-200/F4-7.1
  • 49.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/6 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.3
  • ISO 640

Osaka Morning - I did a quick photo walk myself in the morning near the hotel.
Lens: Lumix S 26mm f/8
  • Panasonic - DC-S9
  • LUMIX S 26/F8
  • 26.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1600 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • 0.3
  • ISO 640
Tokyo Night - I added double black mist filter (1/4+1/8). Probably a bit too strong but I still quite like the results

Lens: Lumix S 28-200mm

  • Panasonic - DC-S9
  • LUMIX S 28-200/F4-7.1
  • 32.0 mm
  • ƒ/4.3
  • 1/10 sec
  • Pattern
  • Auto exposure
  • -0.7
  • ISO 800
I'm not an in the camera LUT person, not even video. I always think of post for LUTs. It will be interesting to see if the S9 converts me.
Thanks Richard!

I am looking forward to seeing more shots from the 26mm f8 lens.

What was it like to use, being MF?
Thank you Richard for these images! Z04 Whip2 1

Interesting and dangerous that you like the 28-200 so much. My wife would like to sell all my lenses and wants me to use only that one instead. Would save weight for the airplane she sais... Life is hard as a hobby photographer... Z04 Haudrauf

I always think of post for LUTs. It will be interesting to see if the S9 converts me.

That is the beauty of features on cameras. You do not have to use them or change your workflow, if you do not want to. Just ignore the LUT button Z04 Bier01
I think the 28-200 + the 16-28 is an excellent travel kit... Perhaps with some primes in the hotel...
oh my god.... I would not survive that discussion with my wife... Z04 Wife
I'm not an in the camera LUT person, not even video. I always think of post for LUTs. It will be interesting to see if the S9 converts me.

yeah it really depends on your workflow. If you do post yourself, it's not really needed.
It's only for people who don't want to , or couldn't do post themselves. Like quick turnaround jobs.
Thanks Richard!

I am looking forward to seeing more shots from the 26mm f8 lens.

What was it like to use, being MF?

I actually did a review of this lens.. but it probably got buried by hundreds on S9 reviews LOL
But MF is OK. on one hand it's easy to focus because it's f/8 so don't need to do any precise focus.
but on other hand, the deep DOF always make it tricky to do precise MF. and lack of focus scale also make it more tricky

If you are used to MF, then it shouldn't be a problem at all. but I don't recommend to new users
Ofcourse not, just re-assign for something you do want a button for!
I actually did this for the red video recording button on my S5 when I'm in aperture priority. Now I set the minimum shutter speed with the red button.

@Richard Wong, can you tell something about banding and artificial light with the S9 and it's E-shutter? How does the synchro scan for photo work? That's my biggest worry about the S9. Thank you.
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I actually did a review of this lens.. but it probably got buried by hundreds on S9 reviews LOL
But MF is OK. on one hand it's easy to focus because it's f/8 so don't need to do any precise focus.
but on other hand, the deep DOF always make it tricky to do precise MF. and lack of focus scale also make it more tricky

If you are used to MF, then it shouldn't be a problem at all. but I don't recommend to new users

Thanks Richard, I haven't seen your review yet but will look for it. There has indeed been a flood of content today about the new camera and I've had a long day at work so I haven't caught up yet!
I REALLY enjoy travelling with the 28-200, to me it's the perfect travel lens.
I agree, I've used it on a few video shoots and it's near perfect... (Only the bokeh is sometimes a bit busy, for the rest perfect).

I see you didn't shoot wide with the 18mm or the 16-28mm? isn't the view than sometimes to narrow? Especially combined with E-stab?
Shouldn’t Panasonic named the function other than real time lut? For marketing purpose some fancy name would have been better maybe. Also a button on the back named lut is so….. meh ☺️
I agree, I've used it on a few video shoots and it's near perfect... (Only the bokeh is sometimes a bit busy, for the rest perfect).

I see you didn't shoot wide with the 18mm or the 16-28mm? isn't the view than sometimes to narrow? Especially combined with E-stab?

If it's for vlogging (selfie mode), 28mm is usable but definitely a bit narrow. I certainly won't use E-stab with 28mm lens when vlogging.
Yes I would prefer 20mm or so.. or 18mm if I use E-stabilisation.

Probably as I'm getting older, I just don't like to swap lenses all the time when travelling, especially for trips like this lumix trip which is actually very stressful trip as we have to get a lot
things done/tested/planned/filmed within a very short period of time. So I just prefer to keep the my gear setup as simple as possible
Shouldn’t Panasonic named the function other than real time lut? For marketing purpose some fancy name would have been better maybe. Also a button on the back named lut is so….. meh ☺️
Agree, it is terrible. They need lessons from Apple who would have called it "Lumix Creator Magic"

LUT it really couldn't get more dreadful as it sounds like S*** :oops: Maybe an UCK button?