Get the 14-28mm as well! Great lens.
I know that it is a terrific lens. But in my distant past, on my old Nikon sir I had a 17-35, and everything below 20 was not to my taste. Granted there was often a lot of time between taking a picture and getting it developed etc. but I didn't like it too much and was also using it wrong. After going digital the widest I've had before this 20-60 was a XF14, equivalent of about 21mm, and I did like it a lot, but didn't use it after getting a zoom starting at 24mm eqv.
In Berlin for example I had a few moments where I couldn't backup and 20mm was not wide enough, but that was just one location. Lot of the time 24mm was plenty enough. My GAS demon inside says buy buy buy that 14-24, and I know I like it, but it is too dedicated for me. Like that I didn't bring the XF14 to Peru, only using my XF16-80 because of weight and stuff, and actually didn't miss it at all.
A used 16-35 Pro sounds more interesting to me, and a real replacement for the 20-60, but that one has (maybe overstated ?) locas issues and, yeah, the price. And I did see if I remember correctly pictures from
@Jonathan-Mac that were nice but not plenty sharp or me wanting to run to the shop.... I really need to go out more, and shooting and shooting and then find out what, or if, I miss something. For now I have such a nice set of lenses.
My actual GAS is the 50/1.8, and ditching the nice and tiny 45/2.8