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L mount Pyxsis

David Hawkshaw

New Member
Hi, I’m in the process of buying an L mount BM Pyxsis. Initially I want to use my Sirui Nightwalker lenses until I decide on some FF glass . They’re APSC lenses but the Pyxsis sensor which is 6K open gate 3x2 will allow a crop to APSC. My Sirui set are F mount . Does anyone know of a suitable adaptor that will work . Thank you in anticipation.
Thank you , the more I learn about it, the more it makes sense for my use case. I Love the XH2 S but rigging it out for Video is complicated and very time consuming, and although the need to rig out the Pyxsis still applies, it also provides for a much more stable and versatile platform. The interface is far more intuitive too.
Thank you , the more I learn about it, the more it makes sense for my use case.
Blackmagic really does a good job anymore. I stick with mirrorless for video these days, with the good stabilization and autofocus for hand held. I'm using the S5IIx, and have started to look at adding a GH7. As you suggest, sometimes rigging with a cage can suck; I'm just starting to think that through for a GH7.
Blackmagic really does a good job anymore. I stick with mirrorless for video these days, with the good stabilization and autofocus for hand held. I'm using the S5IIx, and have started to look at adding a GH7. As you suggest, sometimes rigging with a cage can suck; I'm just starting to think that through for a GH7.
There are devices called Cinebacks which would attach to your existing cage for a mirrorless camera, while not relying on the cage for rigidity as such, as the cineback itself forms a rigid shell and transform your camera's shape into a rectangular cuboid. It appears to overcome the tendency for a cage to flex or loosen from the retaining points, which of course are minimal in number and are a major issue. The Cinebacks give a lot of options for rigging, as the plates forming the cuboid are essentially Cheese plates. They often incorporate D tap power outlets as part of the shell's design. This is a link to an explanatory video; there are a number of manufacturers, but this video talks about the Camera Foundry brand which I understand is one of the better manufacturers of Cinebacks.
There are devices called Cinebacks which would attach to your existing cage for a mirrorless camera,
The only Cineback I found for the GH7 is from Rigid Pro, an Australian company. I like the concept, especially for the D-tap battery mount and power distribution. This seems much better than using rods. But the hot shoe is blocked, which rules out the 32 bit floating microphone adapter, which is one of the reasons to get a GH7.

Rigid Pro also has a version of the S5IIx. This is a YouTube about rigging the S5IIx ....
