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L mount Pyxsis

David Hawkshaw

New Member
Hi, I’m in the process of buying an L mount BM Pyxsis. Initially I want to use my Sirui Nightwalker lenses until I decide on some FF glass . They’re APSC lenses but the Pyxsis sensor which is 6K open gate 3x2 will allow a crop to APSC. My Sirui set are F mount . Does anyone know of a suitable adaptor that will work . Thank you in anticipation.
Thank you , the more I learn about it, the more it makes sense for my use case. I Love the XH2 S but rigging it out for Video is complicated and very time consuming, and although the need to rig out the Pyxsis still applies, it also provides for a much more stable and versatile platform. The interface is far more intuitive too.
Thank you , the more I learn about it, the more it makes sense for my use case.
Blackmagic really does a good job anymore. I stick with mirrorless for video these days, with the good stabilization and autofocus for hand held. I'm using the S5IIx, and have started to look at adding a GH7. As you suggest, sometimes rigging with a cage can suck; I'm just starting to think that through for a GH7.