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L mount and Sony in the San Diego/Tijuana border area


Hello, I have been using a Sony A7Rii for the last several years, mostly with manual lenses, and have just started using a Panasonic S5II, because my son bought it, and now he wants to switch to Sony. I started using his camera (with the Panasonic 70-200 f4.0) and I am very impressed with it, and plan to invest in L mount as my autofocus system (leaving my older Sony mostly for use with E-mount manual lenses). I plan to use the L mount lenses for some sports (my son), urban landscape, family photos and I am trying to get into macro and a little wildlife. I have been taking almost exclusively stills, but would like to learn a bit more about video, particularly since the Lumix series lends itself so well to this.

I am happy to find an L mount forum, and have already learned something today (about the firmware update to the 70-200 f4.0).


Hi Gray Bear. I'm just north of LA in Santa Clarita. I also shoot Panasonic and Sony, but mostly Panasonic anymore, for both photos and video. You are going to love L-mount.
That is a pretty area, I have driven through there a few times. I have been playing with a little 35mm manual lens (m mount) and the IBIS and EVF makes a big difference: pretty good platform for manual lenses.
Welcome Clinton!
Hey there Newbie :) Welcome to the forum, now pick up that camera, go shoot some frames, and post them up here. Good luck Daumenhoch SmilieDaumenhoch Smilie I'm pretty new to both here, & L mount, haven't gotten into a scuffle with anyone yet, pretty good place to be I reckon
Hi Gray Bear. I'm just north of LA in Santa Clarita. I also shoot Panasonic and Sony, but mostly Panasonic anymore, for both photos and video. You are going to love L-mount.
Also, coincidentally, I'm originally from Bakersfield - been through Santa Clarita zillions of times
Haven’t been to that one but my kids used to go to the Casa de Cultura in Playas: one of the great things about Tijuana.
Seriously, the Casa de Cultura system should be implemented everywhere. We talk about the disappearances of "third places " in America, the CdC is a beautiful place to go socialize, enrich yourself, and it's very affordable for what you get. Much better use of a weekday night than another evening in front of the TV.
No doubt. My daughter had a short fling with the violin there, and then piano lessons. She has since moved on to bass and guitar, but something stuck. And the buildings are beautiful as well (in Playas at the very least): beautiful place to walk around. Good for the soul.