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Introducing the Zeus compact primes (dreamer edition)

And yet that's what Panasonic specialises in, and the market they're chasing as they find it profitable.

And yet they make hybrid cameras to appeal to photographers. Which is what this thread is about. I suggest that if you are already completely happy with the Panasonic lens offerings for video, you are in the wrong place.
And yet they make hybrid cameras to appeal to photographers. Which is what this thread is about. I suggest that if you are already completely happy with the Panasonic lens offerings for video, you are in the wrong place.
Ummmmmm, no. They make hybrid cameras to appeal to hybrid shooters. Not just one, or the other.

Edit -you seem to be unhappy with both the bodies, and lenses in the system, so I’d suggest it’s actually you who have made the wrong decisions, and are in the wrong place.