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Interwebz experts doom & gloom tales


Well-Known Member
What is it with the interwebz experts, & Panasonic. It just never ends. We've listened to it for year after year after year with m4/3, the "experts" are perhaps thinking that perhaps they're wide of the mark there, so now starting on FF. Look at what this @rse clown is attempting to pass off as "fact" Go jump in the sea you idiot. You're guessing.
There certainly are a lot of critics out there who like to complain about Panasonic. And some very inconsistent reviewers (e.g. S9 bad because no EVF, XM5 good despite no EVF, no IBIS and dubious looking AF).

This EOS guy can't have done much research based on this comment:

>> Panasonic can sit back, draw Micro Four Thirds to a final conclusion with the GH7, and sell off remaining Lumix inventory of old full frame sensors
>> and lenses by churning out a few S9 bodies and the S5 Mark II or whatever the S5D is supposed to be. It is notable that none of those have a new
>> sensor, they all reuse the very old but still capable S1 sensor,
The S5II and S9 both have on-sensor PDAF which the S1 does not have. They are not the same sensor.

The article reads like a childish rant.