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Interview with Sigma / no Foveon?


Petapixel did an interview on the CP+ with Sigma. There are good news and bad news.

First the bad news. We probably have to wait for at least another 3 years until a Sigma cameras with Foveon sensor can be produced in masses. Reasons in detail here (see also the PetaPixel Podcast for this):

That is a pitty. I am a big fan of the Foveon sensor. Depending on how the sensors will be in 3 years, there might not be an argument anymore for a Foveon sensor, expecially if it will costs significantly more than "normal" sensors.

The good news is, that Sigma seems to have now the capacity, to develop and produce even more new lenses for the L-Mount and is even thinking about producing lenses for Medium Format. See here and the Podcast:

As you might know, Zeiss does not make lenses anymore for normal cameras. Contax does not exist anymore and the cooperation with Sony and Fuji fall asleep afaik.

According to the Podcast of PetaPixel, Sigma wants to become the new Zeiss. As we can see with their L-Mount Art and other lenses, they achieved it. Sigma is in my view the main driver for the lens-line up in L-Mount. 41 out of 80 lenses are from Sigma.

Beside the Lumix S5, the Sigma lenses, especially the i-series lens line, have been the ones which convinced me to invest into the L-Mount system.
That is a pitty. I am a big fan of the Foveon sensor. Depending on how the sensors will be in 3 years, there might not be an argument anymore for a Foveon sensor, expecially if it will costs significantly more than "normal" sensors.

Foveon or not, I really hope they continue making cameras. I've had my fp L for about 10 months now and, despite its quirks and limitations, it produces some of the very best looking photos I've ever seen.
As far as it was said in the podcast, Sigma will always produce cameras, because this is what the founder of Sigma, the father of the current CEO Kazuto Yamaki, wanted always to have. So this is a family guideline, whether they make money with cameras or not.

Sometimes it is an advantage to be a privately owned family business. Daumenhoch