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I must be mad, I’ve just bought another S1R

Starting up with the date and time prompts likely just means it hadn't been used for long enough that the internal clock battery discharged.

And I could believe 177K shutter actuations if the previous owner used continuous mode a lot, but 76K power cycles? Even if the camera was one of the first in the UK, and the previous owner had just sold it, they'd have needed to do something like 56 power cycles a day, every day, to achieve that... o_O
The camera also reports its first power on date. It's 26th Nov 2020, so the camera is only just three years old. That's only about 1000 days. So, 76 power cycles a day!!

BUT, it seems that exits from sleep mode also count as a power cycle - so I'm beginning to thing that the camera has been used in some automated timelapse or similar. Maybe astro?
Or possibly time-lapse photography if it counts coming out of sleep mode as a power cycle?
Yes, that's the conclusion I'm coming to. I suspect it's been used for some sort of extensive time lapse shooting. Probably mounted on a tripod and so not handled a lot.