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Hi from the not so sunny lake district !


Welcome to LMF33

I can not tell you for England, but in Germany, after more than 2 weeks of depressing rain, there shall be good weather this week-end.

Hope dies last...
Here today in Belfast we have a sunny storm, flights and ferries cancelled, trees down, a few power cuts but the attached sun room is providing free solar energy heating the whole house :cool:

I've missed the high tide though with waves crashing over the promenades etc. I was going to capture it trying out the video on S5ii
Here in Sydney, we had approx. 200mm of rain in the past 24 hours. Flash floods in many areas.

But today the sun came out. Last day of daylight savings, sadly. Although at least it means I won't be getting up to go to work in the dark.
Pete, I used to watch those opal hunter tv shows and even the outback gets flooded and remote communities cut off.

200mm is savage in 24 hours though! Apocalypse stuff... Noah Z04 Smiliebath
Pete, I used to watch those opal hunter tv shows and even the outback gets flooded and remote communities cut off.

200mm is savage in 24 hours though! Apocalypse stuff... Noah Z04 Smiliebath
Yes, it was a manic night here! The storm woke me up a number of times during the night. Apparently it was a collision of two weather systems off the coast.

There are some photos online here in one of the local newspapers. https://www.smh.com.au/environment/weather/sydney-s-wild-weather-20240406-p5fhub.html
Welcome. You’ve got some of the most photogenic scenery in the world on your doorstep. Please tell me you do landscapes!
Yep I do Landscapes, and thanks for the warm welcomes guys!
I probably won't get to look in too often but it seems that the natives are mostly harmless here which is lovely!
Just picked up an S5II and waiting on a G9II to come in, trying to get my head around the menu's is making my head hurt but I love the camera layout and the wonderful grip, I have bad hands and a comfy grip is a must for me. Currently reading every lens review I can find:D

P.S. I know it's not a Herdwick:cool:Herdwicke en vogue Derwent fells.jpg
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The menus on the s
Just picked up an S5II and waiting on a G9II to come in, trying to get my head around the menu's is making my head hurt

The menus and controls for the S5II and the G9II are almost identical. When you learn one you will know the other.
The menus on the s

The menus and controls for the S5II and the G9II are almost identical. When you learn one you will know the other.
That's what I'm hoping, two different formats, near identical cameras, I think it'll work for me, as I get older I struggle more with learning them, I only really want to do it once! :)