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Here today in Belfast we have a sunny storm, flights and ferries cancelled, trees down, a few power cuts but the attached sun room is providing free solar energy heating the whole house
I've missed the high tide though with waves crashing over the promenades etc. I was going to capture it trying out the video on S5ii
Yes, it was a manic night here! The storm woke me up a number of times during the night. Apparently it was a collision of two weather systems off the coast.
Yep I do Landscapes, and thanks for the warm welcomes guys!
I probably won't get to look in too often but it seems that the natives are mostly harmless here which is lovely!
Just picked up an S5II and waiting on a G9II to come in, trying to get my head around the menu's is making my head hurt but I love the camera layout and the wonderful grip, I have bad hands and a comfy grip is a must for me. Currently reading every lens review I can find
That's what I'm hoping, two different formats, near identical cameras, I think it'll work for me, as I get older I struggle more with learning them, I only really want to do it once!