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Hi from Oslo

Thank you, Richard. It’s you really. I have watched many of your videos, and both the camera and lens reviews have helped me a lot. I think my next move is wideangle. Last September I bought the S5iiX, with L50 & 85 f/1.8. Replacing my Canon EF 17-40/f 4.0, must be with a f/ 2.0 like Sigma Contempary 20mm plus possible a Sigma 35 as well. I opt for fixed over zooms and f-stops in range f/ 1.4 to 2.0. Still saving for my next move…
Welcome Dag! (Dag means a lot in my language, "day", but can also be used for "hi" and "goodbye")
I contemplated the 18/1.8 a lot! I do like my Lumix 35/1.8 but the Sigma 35/2 should be great as well.
Welcome Dag! (Dag means a lot in my language, "day", but can also be used for "hi" and "goodbye")
I contemplated the 18/1.8 a lot! I do like my Lumix 35/1.8 but the Sigma 35/2 should be great as well.
I am still considering, but currently opting for both the Sigma Contemporary DG 20 and 35 f/2.0. I bought both the Lumix S 50 and 85 f/1.8 in September, but the rewiews for the Sigmas are so good that on the wide-angle side it may be the Sigmas. Mainly a stills shooter, but now I have started filming in ProResRAW with my S5iiX too. Low light, inndoors, dark scenes. Color fringe, chroma, corner sharpness. Still saving, maybe mirrorless optimized new lenses for the summer. Br, Dag
I am not into filming (yet). 24-105 has dual image stabilisation (ois and ibis work together) which apparently makes it rock solid / tripod like footage handheld. I can take pictures with it handheld 1 sec.

As far as I know there is no lumix prime with ois. Sigma OIS lenses are not working with dual IS, only native Lumix OIS lenses on Lumix bodies with ibis can do this.

But have fun !!! And enjoy your new gear. And Strave Wo Pics1
Sigma OIS lenses are not working with dual IS,

I do not remember where, but I read somewhere that Sigma LMount lenses with OIS are compatible with the dual OIS.