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Help? SD card door on my S5 has lost a bottom corner!


Has anyone else had this happen? The camera has not been dropped, or hit, but the other day, I realized that the bottom corner of the SD card door had lost a corner!

I've owned Panasonic bodies for 12 years now, with a lot of M43 ones (plus the S5), and have never had anything break on any of them before.

Obviously, I have to replace the door, but I have no idea why this happened, and would prefer to have it not happen again.

Any advice on how to do the replacement would also be appreciated.

I've owned Panasonic bodies for 12 years now, with a lot of M43 ones (plus the S5), and have never had anything break on any of them before.
I've never had anything break on my Panasonic cameras either. This sounds strange. If it's part of the door then perhaps it was bumped somehow?
Any kind of door on a camera has been a weak point since plastic became king in the 80s. Battery doors, film door latches - they're often weak spots where tougher material is really called for.

Still, the S5's battery door does not reach the bottom edge of the camera so it's hard to imagine what could break it while closed.