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Hello via Cameraderie


New Member
Hullo - joined here after seeing pdk42's thread on Cameraderie

Don't own an L-mount camera (yet?), but I use and enjoy Panasonic m43, so have a fair interest in L-Mount too. Wondering what the next S1 cameras will be like

Anyway, nice to be here
Hi Sasquatchphotog,

Welcome to LMF33

L-Mount is a great system, but so is MFT too. I use both and one can can not fully replace the other for my kind of use cases.

Enjoy both Z04 Discosmilie

PS: for MFT, we have another surprise for you here.
Hullo - joined here after seeing pdk42's thread on Cameraderie

Don't own an L-mount camera (yet?), but I use and enjoy Panasonic m43, so have a fair interest in L-Mount too. Wondering what the next S1 cameras will be like

Anyway, nice to be here

I still have an m4/3 camera (GX85) but mostly shoot with L-mount now. It's a great system, and this is a great community.