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Hello to all members.

Bill Taylor

My name is Bill Taylor and I live in Australia. I spent many years in the software industry and recently set up a small business in commercial photography. Having moved from 25+ years with Canon (Film and Digital) dabbled with Olympus then Lumix, I was always tempted by Leica Optics from an M I borrowed years ago. Took the plunge and set my self up with an SL2-S and a Q, of which the glass has now grown to include Leica (L and M), Sigma and Panasonic. Looking forward to sharing thoughts and Idea's on this platform.


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Welcome Bill. How are you liking the SL2s? Most of us here are Panasonic users (although Dirk I know uses a Q), so it would be good to get a perspective from a Leica user.
Welcome Bill. How are you liking the SL2s? Most of us here are Panasonic users (although Dirk I know uses a Q), so it would be good to get a perspective from a Leica user.
Thanks Paul,
Nice to be amongst so many Panasonic users.
I would say that few commercial photographers choose the SL platform and the associated Leica glass, over the C/S/N triumvirate (although I did..) It wouldn't make sense due to the cost and performance opportunities. However, what was once ahead of the pack in mirrorless/sensor terms has been caught and passed, but I don't believe that is the reason people would choose Leica, Panasonic, Sigma and the L Mount alliance.
For me the Panasonic/Lumix S9 is possibly one of the finest Video and Stills camera's available, bang for buck,. with the S5IIX offering superb Full frame Video and codecs that beat off most of the competition. With some nice glass in S line ( I have the 100mm Macro) You just can't go wrong.
I was attracted to Leica for two reasons. One was the Optics and two was the usability. This packaged with a a prominent history and strong design ethos and some wonderful rangefinder glass, gave me a chance to offer something a little different. Perceived or real.
I tend to choose my projects, take my time, shoot when I'm ready and love the tactile nature of shooting and producing strong images. Are the big 3 better overall,..sure, but I didn't buy it to slam out 125fps with a Global Shutter, although I do respect and appreciate the possibilities. Nikon's superb Z8 and Canon's BFB R5II are all amazing, but give me my Leica, a cracking Art lens from Sigma, an APO or two, a superlight S line offering and the rest of L mount alliance any day.
It's about the experience for me and enriching our selves with our art.
PS. The Q is wonderful and I throw it in to my sling bag weekly.

Answer to the pics I posted:
1. Andrews Cross Spider = Panasonic S Line 100mm Macro f/2.8 ISO 200 (Size+weight=Incredible)
2. Lake Iseo Ferry = Leica Q2 -Summilux 28mm @ f/1.8 ISO 100 (What's not to like..except $)
3. Pelican = SL2-S, Sigma DG DN f/2.8 OS Sport 70-200mm - ISO 400

Happy New Year to all in 2025 and looking forward to see what occurs in the Alliance this year.. Leice M12..? Leica S4 Medium format..? New Lumix SLII..? or Leica SL3 60mp sensor to an S1-II..? or 60mp 8k Hybrid in one of the bodies..? ..

What is it that drew you into the Panasonic and Lumix world..? and what do you think of the L mount now and in the future..?

Welcome Bill. How are you liking the SL2s? Most of us here are Panasonic users (although Dirk I know uses a Q), so it would be good to get a perspective from a Leica user.
What is it that drew you into the Panasonic and Lumix world..? and what do you think of the L mount now and in the future..?
Greetings! Glad to see a new face.

As for what drove me, I kind of came in through the side door. I was a micro four/thirds user curious about full frame, so I tried renting some cameras. I’ve had bad experiences with Canon and Sony, so they were out. Rented the Nikon Z5 and hated the ergonomics. Rented the S5 and thought it was a comfortable and pleasant camera, but it didn’t really excite me. Then I rented a Sigma fp, and that did excite me. I’m always a fan of miniaturization, and the fp is tiny yet well-built; the swappable grips appeal to me; and the minimalist controls work well with my focus on adapted film lenses. Sharing a mount with the S5 was a nice added bonus, and I eventually picked one up as well.
Interesting Travis that you had the micro four/thirds curiosity. I too went into that world through the Olympus range with the OM and the Pen. These are now trusty second hand camera’s and lenses being used by my two boys and their respective girlfriends.. Still love a number of the shots we took in 2011-2013. Can see why you were a fan.. thanks for sharing.
I think most of the users on this forum have been using m43, me included (2013 - 2020). Some still use both.

My timeline after analog:
2002-2005: Olympus E10
2006-2010: Nikon D70
2011-2013 : Nikon D7000
2013-2021 : m43 (Lumix) G6, G80,
2021-2023: Fuji X (X-S10 & X-T4)
10-2023 - : Lumix S5ii

My switch to m43 was because I broke 2 fingers on my right hand and could not use the heavy D7000 + 2.8 glass anymore.
During that time with m43 I also had a Fuji X100.

I do miss the long range in a small package from m43 sometimes. Get sometimes the urge to search for PanaLeica 80-400 + body

And I still miss my Fuji 18/1.4 lens.
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I think most of the users on this forum have been using m43, me included (2013 - 2020). Some still use both.

As for me just „the opposite“ as by my „history“ doing photography, analogue as well digital. :)

Started (about 1966), as a young boy by 24x36 mm (“Werra 1”) + 24x24 mm (Minolta point and shoot).
Nikon Nikkormat Ftn
Nikon Nikkormat EL
Nikon F3 HP
Nikon F801

Mamiya RB67 Pro S 6x7 cm
Sinar 4x5 inch sheet film (and between 120 roll film formats by film backs. E.g. 6x9 cm)
Sinar 8x10 inch sheet film

Leaf Digital Back “DCB 1” = Digital Back for Hasselblad 40x40 mm - 4 Mp
Fuji Finepix S1 (based on a Nikon body) → APS sensor format
NikonD1x → APS sensor format
Nikon D80 → APS based sensor format
Nikon D700 → “Full frame” 24x36mm again.

Panasonic S1R → “Full frame” 24x36mm L-mount
(Leaving Nikon system after used that about for 50+ years - NO regrets starting L-mount).
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My name is Bill Taylor and I live in Australia.
Took the plunge and set my self up with an SL2-S and a Q
Welcome Bill. There are at least two other Aussies who are active on the forum, and a prolific Kiwi. Other than that is is pretty well distributed from all over Europe and North America, and a few other places. There are just a few here with Leicas, but they are a little quieter than the rest. The talk with us Panasonic users is usually about how expensive Leicas are, albeit they are very nice. We really need you to chime in for Leica. The SL3-S has been a hit here. I see it as a very nice upgrade to my LUMIX S5IIx. And of course we all dream about the Q.

I started with L-mount when the LUMIX S1 first came out in 2019. I had been using Sony for video, and the S1 was the first full frame camera with 10 bit video, which I really needed to avoid 8 bit artifacts when shooting Log. I've been shooting LUMIX L-mount ever since, for both photo and video, with quite a few camera upgrades along the way.
What is it that drew you into the Panasonic and Lumix world..?
In my case I was hesitating to go mirrorles between the Nikon Z6ii and the Lumix S5 OG, and I found a very good offer with lenses (20-60mm + 35mm f/1.8) for the Lumix gear.

But the main reason, and it could sound a bit simple, is that with the FF Lumix cameras you can shoot with the 65:24 X-Pan aspect ratio :p

Then I started doing more video, and discovered that the Lumix cameras and lenses are very good. And of couerse the lenses from Sigma are excellent and the lenses from Leica too, actually I have the 24-70 Leica f/2.8 and it is a Sigma lens, but the Leicas are a bit too expensive for me.

and what do you think of the L mount now and in the future..?
There is a saying in German that says "Langsam aber sicher", and the translation into English would be "slowly but truly"... and that sums it up Z04 Flucht
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