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Hello from York, UK


Hi all, I'm an MFT Panny G9 shooter at the moment, but the release of the S5ii is tempting me to dip my toe in the full-frame world. Especially appealing as I shoot a lot in low-light conditions (and have depended on DxO Photolab to work around consequent difficulties).
Welcome! What a great camera the G9 is!! I miss it but I am really happy with the S5...
Welcome Simon!

As a former M4/3 user (G95), I can say that the transition to the S5 was very smooth and for low light, the larger sensor makes a huge difference.

I am sure you will love the S5 Mark 2.
Hi all, I'm an MFT Panny G9 shooter at the moment
I'm a former G9 shooter - a very good camera, and a pretty good video camera after they added V-LOG L. I still use a GH6 as a companion camera to the S5II.
I shoot a lot in low-light conditions (and have depended on DxO Photolab to work around consequent difficulties).
The low light performance of the S5/S5ii is significantly better than anything m43 can do. If you do a lot of low-light work, switching to the S5/S5ii will make a huge difference.