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Greetings from Western Canada, good health to everyone.


New Member
Casual photographer, working towards competence in video. Mostly use Sigma glass in EF mount and adapt to L and m43. Hoping to use Sigma fp as future system, using Panasonic bodies now. Majority of use daylight for photo, and mixed light for video, some experience streaming with Atem from Panasonic bodies. Transitioning from Lightroom to CaptureOne, angry with ON1 and OnOne/Genuine Fractals, building an editing workstation in 2021 using 2012-2014 components. Majority of lenses have focus gears installed, including Panasonic lenses, learning to pull focus with Nucleus system. No one in my area using L mount it would seem, don't really care for Facebook as much, trying this group out for feedback in learning L mount system with focus on strobe, video, and raw profiles. Regards.
I just joined and am also from western Canada. Have yet to meet another L mount user around here. I switched from Olympus and mft during the period of “transition” and uncertainty, not because I was unhappy with the system. I originally choose Olympus, with the original E1 due to weather sealing, which was important for my extended wilderness canoe and rafting trips. Nowadays, that seems to be a common featur. Hadn’t looked at other systems in a long time, and after checking out the various brands landed on the L- mount system. After adjusting to the size/ weight difference, I have been very pleased with it. The P16-35 + P70-300, make for a nice compact river travel set up, similar to the O7-14 + O40-150 that I used to use.
For general, nature and landscape photography, I have been also been enjoying several Sigma C primes and recently a Leica prime. The l-camera-forum, seems to be the most active site for Leica L, and the DPR site most active for Lumix users. I’m hoping this site bring the Lumix, Sigma and Leica L mount users together.
There seem to quite a few L-mount users who were formerly using the MFT system. I am also one. Is still have my MFT gear but its sitting idle. I love the IQ that I get from my S5.

And the L-mount community is very friendly and helpful.
There seem to quite a few L-mount users who were formerly using the MFT system. I am also one. Is still have my MFT gear but its sitting idle. I love the IQ that I get from my S5.

And the L-mount community is very friendly and helpful.
My MTF system sat ideal before I sold it. I find I have enough of a problem learning and remembering 1 system, switching between systems, gets me all messed up.