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Good to be here - nice to meet you all


Hi - a quick intro to me, Chris from Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Currently have S5, kit 20-60, 50mm, 85mm, 100-400 and when it arrives a 14-28. The latter sadly too late to take on a trip it was purchased for!

Initially I was against the idea of the upcoming 28-200 but now excited for it to arrive when it comes out. I was procrastinating over replacing the 20-60 with the 24-105 but not wholly keen over f4-7.1 but sure it'll be fine. Hope so. I'm thinking the 14-28 and 18-200 will compliment well together with the primes for those prime occasions.

I only take stills and find that the S5 still very much meets my needs and have not found a compelling reason to chop it in for one of the newer models. Who knows what an S5iii will be like though?

Good to be here and look forward to being an active participant. Thank you for having me along.
Hi Chris,

Welcome to LMF33

Thank you for joining us. The Lumix S5 has the advantage over the S5II, that it is still smaller than the mk2 version.

It is not by much, but I feel it. Although I upgraded to Mk2, I could have easily lived also with my older S5. Maybe I will downgrade one day again, depending on what other models will appear in the future.
Hi Chris,

Welcome to LMF33

Thank you for joining us. The Lumix S5 has the advantage over the S5II, that it is still smaller than the mk2 version.

It is not by much, but I feel it. Although I upgraded to Mk2, I could have easily lived also with my older S5. Maybe I will downgrade one day again, depending on what other models will appear in the future.
Thanks. At this time the camera is far more capable than I am so unless there is a real game changer with the next iteration, it’ll stay.
Welcome Chris!

Lots of helpful and friendly information on this forum.
Welcome Chris. Good to see you here. Have you decided to go ahead with the 28-200? I’m very much dithering over it. I think I’ll hang fire until I get one in my hands to do my own tests. I wonder if that might be possible at The Photography Show at the NEC in a week or so?
Welcome Chris. Good to see you here. Have you decided to go ahead with the 28-200? I’m very much dithering over it. I think I’ll hang fire until I get one in my hands to do my own tests. I wonder if that might be possible at The Photography Show at the NEC in a week or so?
Hey Paul! Just got to Tokyo this morning - planning camera shops tomorrow to see what prices are like - and hoping it got released early here.
Hey Paul! Just got to Tokyo this morning - planning camera shops tomorrow to see what prices are like - and hoping it got released early here.
Wow. I love Japan. Amazing place. Let us know if you get your hands on a 28-200!
Hi Chris! Welcome!
The S5 is a great camera!
Have you been to Tokyo before? If not, you should visit Yodabashi at Akihabara (Yodabashi Akiba) it's a 9th floors electronics/camera/everything shop. You could literally spend whole day there! If you go to Akihabara, there is also a Bic Camera, another monster multifloor shop, just 5-10 minutes walk from Yodabashi.
Remember you can get duty free when buying from these stores.
@Richard. Thanks - will be in both in the morning. Also hoping their 14-28 is reasonably priced.
Awesome! Happy Shopping!
If you found any cool camera shops or places, please share with us! I've just booked a trip to Japan again later this year so would love to explore some cool new places!
No surprise you're waiting on a Lumix lens, I waited 6 weeks for S5ii & 24-105 f4 and still waiting on the 70-300 f4-f5.6. I'm at least hoping they have gathered the sand to melt into glass for it :D

Enjoy Japan, I know so many stories from there as my both my friend and cousin lived there, both were teachers. Lets just say a very big cultural difference!
Had a look around Bic camera yesterday and tax paid prices seem roughly in line with UK - you can get it tax free so less 10% but should, I guess, pay duty and tax on the way in. The 24-200 is not yet out here either. Ended up not buying anything.

I was concerned that the 20-60 and 50mm would not be right but so far have managed very well with what I have. Looking forward to having some time to do some editing.
Had a look around Bic camera yesterday and tax paid prices seem roughly in line with UK - you can get it tax free so less 10% but should, I guess, pay duty and tax on the way in. The 24-200 is not yet out here either. Ended up not buying anything.

I was concerned that the 20-60 and 50mm would not be right but so far have managed very well with what I have. Looking forward to having some time to do some editing.
I started in L mount with the same kit - S5, 20-60 and 50/1.8. They are all great. Spending more won’t get better IQ!