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Gidday Mates!


New Member
My story is Ive been watching L mount since its inception.Owning lots of brands over many years has led to my purchases of L mount S9 with 3 native lenses.An adapter for some Canon EF glass I own adds to the equation.I'm very familiar with Panasonic Lumix(GM1) and a few compacts that I use.Glad to find this site and read about others experiences with their gear.
My story is Ive been watching L mount since its inception.Owning lots of brands over many years has led to my purchases of L mount S9 with 3 native lenses.An adapter for some Canon EF glass I own adds to the equation.I'm very familiar with Panasonic Lumix(GM1) and a few compacts that I use.Glad to find this site and read about others experiences with their gear.
Greetings! Good to see you.

The S9 is an interesting beast; it also reminds me of the GM1.

What sort of things do you like to shoot? Looking forward to seeing pics. :)
Welcome! Want See Pics
Your salutation has a distinctly Aussie feel about it. Not Australian by any chance?
Anyway, welcome aboard, post plenty of comments and pictures as that's what makes the place interesting and lively, hope you enjoy yourself here. Cheers
Dinky DI, live on the eastCoast in a region with a great climate
Your salutation has a distinctly Aussie feel about it. Not Australian by any chance?
Anyway, welcome aboard, post plenty of comments and pictures as that's what makes the place interesting and lively, hope you enjoy yourself here. Cheers
Hopefully, I can get a few shots soon and flick them on here.
Thank you all for the welcoming remarks.

The reason I joined L mount was for a few of the new features that the gear has.

In no order, hyperZoom,the creative luts,reasonable prices, open gate would be the main ones.