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Gidday Mates!


New Member
My story is Ive been watching L mount since its inception.Owning lots of brands over many years has led to my purchases of L mount S9 with 3 native lenses.An adapter for some Canon EF glass I own adds to the equation.I'm very familiar with Panasonic Lumix(GM1) and a few compacts that I use.Glad to find this site and read about others experiences with their gear.
My story is Ive been watching L mount since its inception.Owning lots of brands over many years has led to my purchases of L mount S9 with 3 native lenses.An adapter for some Canon EF glass I own adds to the equation.I'm very familiar with Panasonic Lumix(GM1) and a few compacts that I use.Glad to find this site and read about others experiences with their gear.
Greetings! Good to see you.

The S9 is an interesting beast; it also reminds me of the GM1.

What sort of things do you like to shoot? Looking forward to seeing pics. :)
Welcome! Want See Pics