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DPR review of S5II and S5IIx coming soon


Top Poster Of Month
DP Review has just posed a gallery of 90 photos taken with the S5IIx which it says is part of the upcoming review of the S5II and S5IIx.

Link: https://www.dpreview.com/samples/6882509466/panasonic-lumix-s5iix-goes-to-japan

All of the photos in the gallery were shot using the new 28-200mm lens which I think most of us would agree is not likely to be the sharpest lens in the catalog for assessing the camera's capability. And there has been no mention of any video testing / sample footage. Surprising given the video capabilities of the S5IIx.

The upcoming review is well over a year after the S5II was released and almost 11 months since the S5IIx was released. I know that DPR had their "near death experience" about a year ago but they have published full reviews of a number of other cameras that were released well after the S5II models. So no good reason for such a delay.

I expect the reviews will not be positive. DPR seems somewhat antagonistic towards the Panasonic brand.
So no good reason for such a delay.

I expect the reviews will not be positive. DPR seems somewhat antagonistic towards the Panasonic brand.
I can't remember when they last did a full review if a Panasonic camera.

I agree the 28-200 is a strange lens for a camera review. I expect they will review video, but probably not much real information without Jordan.

I think the review could be positive, at least somewhat. They've had a better attitude about L-Mount since they came back from the dead.
I can't remember when they last did a full review if a Panasonic camera.

I had a look back on the DPR website - the last full review was the GH6 in 2022.

I agree the 28-200 is a strange lens for a camera review. I expect they will review video, but probably not much real information without Jordan.

I think the review could be positive, at least somewhat. They've had a better attitude about L-Mount since they came back from the dead.

I hope so Charles! The recent article they published comparing the S5II with the Nikon Zf had me wondering about their thought process and motivation. The article itself said that the key commonality between the two models was the price point:

"The Panasonic Lumix DC-S5 II and Nikon Zf look like very different cameras but they currently represent their respective manufacturer's main offering for keen photographers in the circa-$2000 part of the market."

A strange basis for a comparison of two very different cameras.
Bear in mind that dpreview is now owned by gearpatrol. Look at the website of gear patrol. This is a marketing agency. Superficial reviews which shall sell products.

Maybe dpreview will do in the future only payed reviews? It is obvious that latest with that take over by gear patrol, the quality of the reviews is by far not anymore the same as before.

That is sad, but on the other hand I can understand it. Someone has to pay for it. Nobody works for free.

We just have to accept that although the name dpreview did not change, this is now a different company with different goals and a different quality what they plan to deliver. This is now the gear patrol DNA. Z02 Deal1

This is why I will keep our rescue forum www.dprforum.com alive forever. We do not know whether or when the dpreview forums will shut down one day again.
A strange basis for a comparison of two very different cam
I was very surprised too... I am sorry but I have been gathering information these months about the Zf because I was very interested in it but I have to say that the S5II is a better photo camera (in terms of features) and a much better video camera than the Zf...
The ZF only lives from the retro style. I had the Zfc and that was a camera which had a good compromise between image quality and body size. The Zf is too big for what it offers.

The S5ii offers everything you can dream of for both, stills and video. I do not see how the ZF can compete with it
In Austria the Zf is 300€ more expensive than the S5II (official price).

This is the same as with the Fuki X100VI. Classic looking cameras are hyped because of Influencers.

Although the X100VI is not really better than the X100V and the lens is not good enough for 40MP and it is now produced cheaper in China, Fuji increased the price by 400€.
The ZF only lives from the retro style. I had the Zfc and that was a camera which had a good compromise between image quality and body size. The Zf is too big for what it offers.

The S5ii offers everything you can dream of for both, stills and video. I do not see how the ZF can compete with it
That's true.

I am attracted to the retro styling because I used a manual film SLR many years ago. In practice, I find the PASM system is better. So the attraction for me is really just nostalgia.
That's true.

I am attracted to the retro styling because I used a manual film SLR many years ago. In practice, I find the PASM system is better. So the attraction for me is really just nostalgia.

I love that retro style too. This is why I entered years ago into the Fuji system and bought the Nikon Zfc (which I sold last year because of the big lens mount).

If Sigma or Panasonic would offer a retro style body I would buy it immediately. Z04 Herz

A Leica retro style body would be too expensive for me. Z04 Menno
Bear in mind that dpreview is now owned by gearpatrol. Look at the website of gear patrol. This is a marketing agency. Superficial reviews which shall sell products.
All the more reason to not care about their review then. Why do people need others to tell them how good their gear is when they own it, especially photographers who constantly need some kind of confirmation bias.

Reviews showing visual results are a different matter if you haven't bought the equipment yet.

Everybody by now should know what internet reviews are, as credible as a democratic vote in North Korea. This doesn't apply to Richard Wong or other such 100% visual proof as you see with your eyes reviews.
Maybe dpreview will do in the future only payed reviews? It is obvious that latest with that take over by gear patrol, the quality of the reviews is by far not anymore the same as before.

That is sad, but on the other hand I can understand it. Someone has to pay for it. Nobody works for free.

We just have to accept that although the name dpreview did not change, this is now a different company with different goals and a different quality what they plan to deliver. This is now the gear patrol DNA. Z02 Deal1
Yeah good caution.

Anyway are love seekers and confirmation bias hunters really going to have a bad day or go to bed depressed when dpreview give the S5ii 77% and gets a lower score than others? Z04 Troest
This is why I will keep our rescue forum www.dprforum.com alive forever. We do not know whether or when the dpreview forums will shut down one day again.
The main attraction of dpreview is the thread layout, the navigation. It is easy to quickly see all the recent threads and to expand through the replies for anything interesting. I only view websites on a phone nowadays and have done for years now.
The main attraction of dpreview is the thread layout, the navigation. It is easy to quickly see all the recent threads and to expand through the replies for anything interesting. I only view websites on a phone nowadays and have done for years now.
That’s the feature of DPR that I hate the most! I’ve always hated it. I much prefer the layout that Xenforo provides (as used here).
Anyway are love seekers and confirmation bias hunters really going to have a bad day or go to bed depressed when dpreview give the S5ii 77% and gets a lower score than others? Z04 Troest
Apparently so. Call their baby ugly, and they'll organise themselves into a posse, and target your posts by hitting the complain button, until the moderators do something to silence the dissent. This only seems to work for a couple of brands though, Panasonic is not one of them
Anyway are love seekers and confirmation bias hunters really going to have a bad day or go to bed depressed when dpreview give the S5ii 77% and gets a lower score than others?
Panasonic has been working hard to increase their brand recognition and market share, along with making really good gear. And DPReview has lots of readers. That's why I'd like to see a good review - a growing and innovating Panasonic is good for us. Otherwise I could care less.
Panasonic has been working hard to increase their brand recognition and market share, along with making really good gear. And DPReview has lots of readers. That's why I'd like to see a good review - a growing and innovating Panasonic is good for us. Otherwise I could care less.
Same for me. It's not about confirmation bias. I simply want Panasonic to get more recognition for their development of hybrid cameras so that they sell more of them and are encouraged to continue developing more bodies and lenses. Putting up a gallery of 90 still images from the S5IIx all taken with the 28-200mm lens tells me that they aren't really taking this camera seriously.
i think this dpreview will have close to zero effect on sales. I would never chose anything going by what they say. There are a tsunami of reviews and websites out there who reviewed it nevermind the YouTube ones who have far more infuence than websites now do.

Panasonic's offers and brilliant discounts were the significant sales factor along with the PDAF upgrades etc also. For example, the S5ii and 24-105 f4 was literally 1/2 the price of the Canon R6ii and 24-105 f4. Literally £1899 vs £3799 in the same store here. I'm not saying the cameras are equal but kind of ball park.

I'm not saying everyone has confirmation bias needs here by any means, but coming from Pentax they took such things almost as personal attacks which is possibly why I'm illustrating how ludicrous it can be perceived by some.

Dp can criticise the menu and ludicrous amount of options all they want as this camera is making me feel like a potato head :D

Maybe everyone was the same coming from a fairly simplistic DSLR in comparison? Or maybe Panasonic should simplify the AF somewhat and just make it work better, I'm referring to the AF discussion recently and how settings mucked up the results.

I understand now why Leica users prefer their menu system and perhaps the options are more simplistic for just concentrating on the photography, saying this I've never used it just what I seen in YouTube reviews.

Everything I said above could be completely wrong but at time of writing it was my opinion :p
i think this dpreview will have close to zero effect on sales. I would never chose anything going by what they say. There are a tsunami of reviews and websites out there who reviewed it nevermind the YouTube ones who have far more infuence than websites now do.
Yes, I guess there are many other reviews out there, and DPR does seem to be stuck about 15-20 years in the past. Which is why Amazon decided to close it down.
Dp can criticise the menu and ludicrous amount of options all they want as this camera is making me feel like a potato head :D

Maybe everyone was the same coming from a fairly simplistic DSLR in comparison? Or maybe Panasonic should simplify the AF somewhat and just make it work better, I'm referring to the AF discussion recently and how settings mucked up the results.
I think it's just what you're used to. I've been using Panasonic cameras for many years, from the first point & shoots to the LX series then m4/3 then FF. The menus are totally intuitive to me. If you come from another system then the learning curve is probably steep.
Everything I said above could be completely wrong but at time of writing it was my opinion :p
In which case then it's perfectly correct for you! Daumenhoch
Yes, I guess there are many other reviews out there, and DPR does seem to be stuck about 15-20 years in the past. Which is why Amazon decided to close it down.
That's a good point, I never thought or heard why they gave it up, not being financially viable is a good reason for them.
I think it's just what you're used to. I've been using Panasonic cameras for many years, from the first point & shoots to the LX series then m4/3 then FF. The menus are totally intuitive to me. If you come from another system then the learning curve is probably steep.
Yeah no doubt, if you consider my DSLR had 9 AF focus points that says it all. I'm enough of a tech geek but I lose the plot when looking at 200 types of pasta sauce in the isle of a supermarket or get invited to play electric guitar with 20 pedals attached to it... I always stuck to acoutic :cool:

First time tonight loaded RAW files onto Mac and new Lightroom for first time also in years... The IQ is brilliant and zooming in 300% etc. I tried the new DeNoise on LR and it is impressive with ISO 5000/6400 etc. A big leap from LR from years back. Subscription runs out soon though after getting a year for £3 or so and never used it until now.
In which case then it's perfectly correct for you! Daumenhoch
Always good to leave a humbling disclaimer :)
The main attraction of dpreview is the thread layout, the navigation. It is easy to quickly see all the recent threads and to expand through the replies for anything interesting.

This is only because they do not have a good quote feature.

You can not quote easily a single sentence.

Try that here: mark with your mouse or your finger only the sentence you want to to refer to and a reply button appears. Click on it. Voila.

With this feature you can answer to a former posting sentence by sentence. Even accross different postings.