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ciao from germany


Active Member

my name is Giuseppe. I'm italian, but living in Mannheim, Germany.
I found this forum trough dpreview.
I'm mainly M43 user, but the S5ii is more and more interesting me :)

This week I'm going to test it.
Welcome Giuseppe!

I used to shoot M4/3 but switched to the S5 about 12 months ago. Awesome camera, and the S5M2 looks even better.
Willkommen/Ciao! I switched from Olymous to the S5 last year - after almost 10 years. I like the Panasonic S system a lot.
Willkommen/Ciao! I switched from Olymous to the S5 last year - after almost 10 years. I like the Panasonic S system a lot.
I love my Olympus gear especially in conjunction with tele lenses Daumenhoch Smilie
I currently use (and in general love) the GH6 for video work. But the last baptism I filmed the AF showed very unreliable so that crucial scenes were out of focus altough the green box confirmed to be in focus. That's the main reason why I want to test the S5ii. I could have used my OM-1, but it lacks many of Panasonics cool features to nail exposure in video.
I love my Olympus gear especially in conjunction with tele lenses Daumenhoch Smilie
I currently use (and in general love) the GH6 for video work. But the last baptism I filmed the AF showed very unreliable so that crucial scenes were out of focus altough the green box confirmed to be in focus. That's the main reason why I want to test the S5ii. I could have used my OM-1, but it lacks many of Panasonics cool features to nail exposure in video.
I know almost nothing about video, but it does seem that DfD has some big weaknesses, so I can understand why the S5ii is so popular among videographers.
Well, after a few days with the S5M2 I decided to trade my GH6 and some lenses in for it.
I now own the Sigma 16-28 2.8 + 28-70 2.8 and the Panasonic 35 1.8 + 85 1.8.
I hope Sigma relaeses their 70-200 2.8 soon :)
Well, after a few days with the S5M2 I decided to trade my GH6 and some lenses in for it.
I now own the Sigma 16-28 2.8 + 28-70 2.8 and the Panasonic 35 1.8 + 85 1.8.
I hope Sigma relaeses their 70-200 2.8 soon :)
That's a really nice kit, Giuseppe! Fantastic upgrade.
Ciao Giuseppe!

I love my Olympus MFT... the cheap 45mm lens is one of my top three all-time favourites!

Recently moved to L-mount, so we will see what that brings. Great offers on right now. That's quite a starter kit you got!
With a username like that, you would have to be a Rossi fan I'm guessing Good choice. I've watched him since his first rides on a 125, and barracked for him ever since. What a character hey. And genius on a bike as well. Once in a lifetime chance to be able to follow someone like that through their career. Cheers
With a username like that, you would have to be a Rossi fan I'm guessing Good choice. I've watched him since his first rides on a 125, and barracked for him ever since. What a character hey. And genius on a bike as well. Once in a lifetime chance to be able to follow someone like that through their career. Cheers
Yes, you're right - I'm a big fan. Beside his sports talent he's a very sympatetic character, too. I love such people.
Welcome Giuseppe! I used m43 from 2014 - 2020, then Fuji end the end of last year I switched to L-Mount. I like it a lot!