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Balance of the S9 with lumix primes? and with Sigma primes?


Active Member
I like the S9.
Right now I use a Pen F for casual social events (not work) in which I do not want to be "that guy" with an aggressive looking S5ii or a boomer Canon (I do not own the latter).
But its focus is poor and indoors the 15 1.7 or 30/56 1.4 are "just ok".
The question is.
How is the balance of the S9 with the 1.8 primes? I think about the 35mm, I have already the 50 and 18.
How is the balance with the 35 F2 from Sigma?

I was convinced to wait until the new kit is out, but I have seen it is collapsable, and I hate that, so I would rather use the larger 20-60 (mine is super sharp) and primes.
Otherwise wait for the smaller Samyangs, but the 2.8 are not really better than MfT F1.4.
Any thoughts?
I was convinced to wait until the new kit is out, but I have seen it is collapsable, and I hate that
Is that the 18-40mm? Where did you see the information about it? I haven't seen anything yet.
No idea but if I was going to get one as a general travel camera I'd probably stick a 35 mm on it and call it a day.
A number of the S9 reviewers who went to Osaka were using the f1.8 primes and also the 20-60mm and 28-200mm zooms but I don't recall them commenting on the balance.

It's a good question. I feel that the Sigma Contemporary lenses would be a good match because they're smaller but in some cases they are heavier than the Panasonic counterparts, e.g. the Sigma 35mm f2 is 325g vs the Panasonic 35mm f1.8 at 295g.
I can't recall who, but one review I watched commented that larger, heavier lenses made the camera feel a bit front heavy. No surprises there. I guess it's one of those things you have to try for yourself, and determine if it's acceptable. Or not. For YOU
In saying that, I personally find the larger lenses easier to handle on small bodies, as long as you're not trying to shoot one handed. The Lumix primes, all being fairly similar dimension wise, shouldn't be a problem, as there's plenty of real estate to support the whole kit, using the lens as part of the package. Shooting one handed will be a different kettle of fish, only you can decide what you're personally comfortable with
Is that the 18-40mm? Where did you see the information about it? I haven't seen anything yet.
I saw the pictures. The dot in collapsed position is not at 18 (or 40), so you need to turn to reach the starting point. Quite common in really compact lenses, but for me only ok if it is a powered zoom that opens automatically. It otherwise negates the convenience.
I hated it in the 9-18 and in the 12-32.
I will look forward to seeing one in the flesh. I have my S5 and S1 I don't use much now I have the S5ii and the little gx880 I can part ex also. Trouble is, I'm waiting for the S1Rii .....I mainly shoot macro stuff you see.