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Any interest in a monthly "competition" ?

Sounds nice, I'm in for it. Good to have a drive for getting out with the camera more :).
Show raw and final ?
I would say the final image. The way you would have edited it anyway for yourself too.

Everybody can vote, no matter whether you participated or not.

As soon as I had time to research for an addon, we will post a first draft of guidelines for the competition and we can adjust them always if needed.

This is a journey. We will all learn also about the technical difficulties for holding a competition, things we never thought about beforehand. So take it easy. Nothing is set in stone.
Hopefully I notice when this starts and will try to take part.
Hopefully I notice when this starts and will try to take part.
We will announce it via newsletter. All details will be written in the guidelines within a special section which we will create for competitions.
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As minimum limitation, I would say everything in the picture has be from the photographer it's self. So no sky replacement from a library.

I not sure about compositions from multiple pictures in general
I don't really like the idea of compositing multiple pictures for challenges like this; I want to see peoples' ability to compose with a camera, not assemble things in Photoshop. (I could see stacking for macro photos or HDR - although even that seems a bit questionable with a theme like chiaroscuro.)
I don't really like the idea of compositing multiple pictures for challenges like this; I want to see peoples' ability to compose with a camera, not assemble things in Photoshop. (I could see stacking for macro photos or HDR - although even that seems a bit questionable with a theme like chiaroscuro.)
That is why I asked about "Photoshop" in general... is it a photo competition or being the best at photoshop competition. On the other hand it is the final result that counts of course. So I don't know what is acceptable, where do we want to draw a line, or do we want to draw a line at all... For me, I don't use photoshop, only Lightroom and mostly shadows/highlights etc. the stuff I didn't want to care too much for when taking the picture.
I think we should limit it to the normal photo editing of a single image. No digital art.

Of course HDR and high resolution photos with several shots of the same scene is allowed.
Show raw and final ?

The final image after editing. You can shoot in RAW, but the upload format to be able to display it here needs to be in Jpeg.

Maybe it makes sense to limit the resolution to 4k and max 500kb filesize?
The final image after editing. You can shoot in RAW, but the upload format to be able to display it here needs to be in Jpeg.

Maybe it makes sense to limit the resolution to 4k and max 500kb filesize?
Is this for photos only? I've been thinking about a video entry. Would that be allowed? On this forum it would be a Vimeo link, where file size doesn't matter.
Is this for photos only? I've been thinking about a video entry. Would that be allowed? On this forum it would be a Vimeo link, where file size doesn't matter.

Good question. I do not know. Video is a lot more difficult than photo only. Maybe we start with photo only and the more we learn with this, the better we can judge whether video contests are possible to do. I will run a few tests in a couple of minutes. Do not worry if it looks weired in some areas in then forum :)
I was also thinking about timelapses... in the end they are also a video.
Good question. I do not know. Video is a lot more difficult than photo only.
It's not very difficult assuming the forum software accepts a Vimeo or YouTube link.
It's not very difficult assuming the forum software accepts a Vimeo or YouTube link.

no, I meant more difficult to create a good video :)
Just submitted a test photo - looking forward to taking part for real. Still very much finding my way around this site at the moment and finding out how it works.
As you might have seen, I tested many different software addons and also some code-hacks over the last couple of days. Please read also the journey to find the best compromise for the challenges-rules here.

I will try to finish the whole set up today. Announcement update is already published. I will send later also a newsletter about the current status quo.

If you do not mind, we could start either later today or tomorrow with the first challenge "Chiaroscuro" for the rest of the month April.

Please bear in mind, that you have to send the image (max 1600 pixel on the long end, 500KB max, Jpeg only) to the email address written in the guidelines. Please make yourself familiar with the challenge section and how to vote and how it looks like. There are two test challenges already with which you can play around as you like.
As you might have seen, I tested many different software addons and also some code-hacks over the last couple of days. Please read also the journey to find the best compromise for the challenges-rules here.

I will try to finish the whole set up today. Announcement update is already published. I will send later also a newsletter about the current status quo.

If you do not mind, we could start either later today or tomorrow with the first challenge "Chiaroscuro" for the rest of the month April.
I have to admit, while I've done a couple that are decent so far, my favorite ones along the challenge subject were taken last year at a place I can't readily get back to. ^^;;

Any interest in going back and posting some of our favorites that didn't qualify for the challenge, after the month's over?