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Announcement We are 500 now....


Dear members,

time flies, we broke the 500 user level, but I missed this week the username, who was the number 500 among the new registered members here. So, whoever this person was, we celebrate you!

I am proud that we were able to reach such a big audience for L-Mount and that we are still growing continiously. This shows how much interest is out there for this great system and that there is a lot potential to grow - both our community forum and the market share for L-Mount as a fullframe system itself.

I want to thank all of you for your help and support to make this L-Mount community forum what it is today. Your recommendations, your shared user experience and your friendly way of interacting with and helping each other makes this a really unique place to be. Z04 Bier01

Please spread the news on the internet about us so we can grow even more in the future!

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