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Tilted horizon


Hi everyone,

I've got a bit of a funny one that I can't really explain and don't think my two S5 are at fault...or can they both be? Maybe you experienced the same at some point or have a few tips for me.

Basically, I mostly take handheld shots but, especially for astro and long exposures, I also use my tripods. I use the level gauge regularly and still...often I come home and, with either method, see the images have a bit of a tilt. Not always and often minor but I've also had situations where I had to straighten them quite a bit in post.

I use EVF and display about the same amount and if the level gauge looks good, the image looks good through EVF or on display, and feels good on location - but it's slightly tilted once I look at it home...what else can I do?

The only thing I can think of trying is the Level Gauge Adjust in the setup menu.
Hey Pete, thanks and do you mean adjust it as in levelling it?
Hey Pete, thanks and do you mean adjust it as in levelling it?
Yes, in my S5M2 manual (and I am sure the S5 manual is the same) it says
"You can adjust the level gauge and reset the adjusted values in 'Level Gauge Adjust' in the Setup-->Monitor/Display menu.
Okay, I'll have a look, thanks!!