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Test/ First Impression Sigma AF 15mm F1.4 DG DN Diagonal Fisheye | Art Lens - L Mount


Well-Known Member
180° of f1.4

I never liked fish-eye lenses but this is a rather good one at only £1859 GBP :D

A review from Matt Granger below with on camera views.

It is admirable how little vignetting this lens has, even into the extreme corners.

Specially what can be of interest as for astrophotographers, is the following comparison.
A detailed practical side by side test in the field between this Sigma 15mm fisheye and the Sigma 14mm rectangular corrected lens.

Starting as from 7 minutes.

I'll.take the 14mm rectilinear all day everyday always. I do astro landscapes and I do not like warped landscapes. To me the fisheye can only show the sky and zero landscape which is a chocolate teapot. You can also use the 14mm for interiors etc.

There are zillions of astro only photos and you can't do anything different with it unless you include aurora etc. but for me this needs a landscape. There are zillions of unphotographed landscapes with different perspectives to be found and be creative with.

The 14mm is on my wanted list but have a Samyang 14mm f2.8 until I really need it and can justify it. I should be able for it in my next house in a Bortle 2/3 zone.
To me the fisheye can only show the sky and zero landscape which is a chocolate teapot. You can also use the 14mm for interiors etc.

For me, I also should favour for 14mm rectangular rendering. (But I am not an astrophotographer).
I only pointed to the differences what could be of importance for choosing in one way or the other. ;)
I like using fisheye lenses and have had one in my kit bag for a while. In m43, I had the 8mm f1.8 which I absolutely loved. I now have the TTArtisan 11mm f2.8 - it’s a decent enough lens at f8, but the corners wide open are not good. But what I really miss is the AF and the exif data.

This Sigma though is at least £1000 too expensive and way too big and heavy for it to even be on my “lottery win” list.
For astro I think fisheye is best as each star will have the same "shape", without optical or computational corrections.
The landscape that goes with it (I agree it is a basic part of a nice astro pic) can then be processed to look rectilinear.
For astro I think fisheye is best as each star will have the same "shape", without optical or computational corrections.
The landscape that goes with it (I agree it is a basic part of a nice astro pic) can then be processed to look rectilinear
No thanks, I'd rather have a sharp correct looking landscape, the performance with stars on the 14mm f1.4 is excellent, almost zero coma and astigmatism anyway, for me anyway more than excellent for astro landscape.

The fisheye is more suited for "creative" photography, it's just not suitable for astro landscapes. Bendy buildings and trees... It looks awful. I wouldn't even attempt to PP it, how could you correct that? If you could I can't imagine it being anywhere near the sharpness of the rectilinear 14mm.

The 14mm is on my lust list, the 15mm is not. This is a real Martite lens and I'm sure someone else could do nice stuff with it. I'll actually be on flickr looking for photos to see what some can do with it.
No thanks, I'd rather have a sharp correct looking landscape, the performance with stars on the 14mm f1.4 is excellent, almost zero coma and astigmatism anyway, for me anyway more than excellent for astro landscape.

The fisheye is more suited for "creative" photography, it's just not suitable for astro landscapes. Bendy buildings and trees... It looks awful. I wouldn't even attempt to PP it, how could you correct that? If you could I can't imagine it being anywhere near the sharpness of the rectilinear 14mm.

The 14mm is on my lust list, the 15mm is not. This is a real Martite lens and I'm sure someone else could do nice stuff with it. I'll actually be on flickr looking for photos to see what some can do with it.
I find with the horizon positioned centrally that the distortion isn’t that apparent.