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Rumors Sigma 800mm f6.3 DG DN Sport


Well-Known Member
Sigma is supposed to launch a new super telephoto prime for the CP+ show. A 800mm f6.3.

Sigma is supposed to launch a new super telephoto prime for the CP+ show. A 800mm f6.3.

Sigma's CEO already mentioned such a lens in this interview (Dez 2024):

Well, that plus a crop on a 60 MP sensor should be pretty incredible. Cropping to the vertical resolution of the G9II gives a reach of over 1300 mm.

Then put the 1.4x TC on it to get almost 1900mm. Damn.

Gonna be heavy, though. It will be interesting to see if it's lighter than the Oly 150-400.
I wonder what the zoom will be. An entry into the 35-150 space? A fast 12-24? Or, probably, a telephoto to compliment the 18-45 F1.8.
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