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Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 Contemporary

Yeah, it's a tank. It won't be a "walk around" lens. I'll only use it when I want to bring home the best possible imagery, i.e., when I get up pre-dawn to record the sunrise someplace special, etc.

I did just take delivery of the 70-200/2.8 S-Pro, and it, as well, is a stunner. And a tank. Walk-around will be the 70-300.
Well at least you can cancel the gym subscription
Well, I caved, and picked up the Lumix S 18mm F1.8 to partner with the 28-70mm. A bit bigger than the 18-40mm or Siggy 17mm F4, but everything I've seen come out of it looks really good. Should have it early to mid next week, quite looking forwards to having a play around with it.

Edit -I think another good little combo would be the Lumix S 18mm, 26mm and 50mm. Not too bulky or heavy.
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Well, I caved, and picked up the Lumix S 18mm F1.8 to partner with the 28-70mm. A bit bigger than the 18-40mm or Siggy 17mm F4, but everything I've seen come out of it looks really good. Should have it early to mid next week, quite looking forwards to having a play around with it.

Edit -I think another good little combo would be the Lumix S 18mm, 26mm and 50mm. Not too bulky or heavy.
Congrats! Post some pictures in a new 18/1.8 thread. That one was long on my list as well instead of the 28-70, but I think I would not use it often enough to warrant the investment.
Congrats! Post some pictures in a new 18/1.8 thread. That one was long on my list as well instead of the 28-70, but I think I would not use it often enough to warrant the investment.
Yeah I will for sure. I'll also sneak in for the sales tax refund on it as I'll be leaving the country within 60 days of purchase. Another nice little 10% bonus on top of the 15% eBay sale code (bought it on the local bricks and mortar website) stacked on top of the 10%off shop sale. Quite a good little 25% saving. Main reason I jumped on it to be honest, as it brings it down to $1020 Aus which is a pretty smashing deal in my book