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Sigma 28-70mm F2.8 Contemporary

You mentioned the balance is good... how's it compare to the 24-105? How smooth do the mechanics feel (i.e. smoothness and damping of the zoom ring)?
the zoom ring is very smooth and feels very nice and precise, but turns the wrong way :cool: . Dit not compare it yet but can tell you that close focus is nothing to write about.

It was better then expected, like the rendering of the 2.8 and it is sure sharp enough on 24mp. I took the middle picture also at F8 and it was really sharp. All the branches etc. Don’t know if you could see the difference at 1600px though. I can place a 100% crop of the f8 picture if you want.

It is not ment to replace my 24-105.
For less weight you gain one fstop but loose ois, versatility in range and close focus.

But you don’t need those things all of the time and just want something lighter and good and a stop more light and less DoF.

Like it better then the 20-60. Feeling and f-stop. 20-60/3.5 would be a dream lens .
Would love to see some 100% crops!
here you go. For the middle foto I took the F8 version. The other two are the same, 28/2.8 and 70/2.8
Because of the detail of the image with all those branches in focus, the 100% jpg after raw conversion was 30MB, to get the crop below 1MB I had to save the picture with like 60% quality :cool:

Not immediately, but I could certainly see it as a light alternative to the 24-105, which I do have. I also have the 24-70 Art, so the 28-70 kinda gets squeezed. But it sure looks like a fine lens.
It's better than fine, from the pic's I've shot with it. And occasionally posted