Well-Known Member
I bought a used (but as new) copy of the f/3.5 in May as I wanted a native prime wider than the 35mm I had and funds didn't stretch to the f/2 version (of which there were none on the used market). Thanks to the sale of another item and the July discounts from Sigma I was able to stretch to a new f/2 much sooner than I had expected so I currently have both until the f/3.5 sells. Both have stellar image quality but the extra speed of the f/2 makes it an obvious choice between the two for me as f/2 allows for shallow DoF shots that are impossible with the f/3.5. If you prioritise small size over speed then it might not be such an easy decision as image quality is just fantastic in every way, even wide open, on both lenses.
If I have time to do some basic comparison shots with both then I'll post them here too but for now just a size comparison.
No hoods

Comparison of the two I-series 24mm lenses - f/3.5 on the left, f/2 on the right by Jonathan MacDonald, on Flickr
With hoods

Comparison of the two I-series 24mm lenses - f/3.5 on the left, f/2 on the right by Jonathan MacDonald, on Flickr
With hoods reversed

Comparison of the two I-series 24mm lenses - f/3.5 on the left, f/2 on the right by Jonathan MacDonald, on Flickr
If I have time to do some basic comparison shots with both then I'll post them here too but for now just a size comparison.
No hoods

Comparison of the two I-series 24mm lenses - f/3.5 on the left, f/2 on the right by Jonathan MacDonald, on Flickr
With hoods

Comparison of the two I-series 24mm lenses - f/3.5 on the left, f/2 on the right by Jonathan MacDonald, on Flickr
With hoods reversed

Comparison of the two I-series 24mm lenses - f/3.5 on the left, f/2 on the right by Jonathan MacDonald, on Flickr