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Sharp & Sharp; Canon EF's compared to new Lumix S-lenses

My first taste of Lumix was with my little LX7. Fabulous little camera, with lot's of little tricks that are competitive even today. Hand held in camera HDR stacking/ shooting, that works a treat. I recall seeing 1/400 flash sync speeds, I'm guessing it may have a leaf shutter. A built in ND filter, so you can shoot wide open in bright sunlight. I was shooting Canon crop at the time, and was shocked at just what they'd packed into that tiny little package, and what it could manage. I'm still today only understanding just how much they put into it.

So it only made sense to me to follow it into the larger formats, m4/3 and now 36x24. I've yet to be disappointed
Hm. There seems to be a lot of us who've migrated here from the Lost Planet of 5Dii...
Yep. I had been a Canon user for several years, and when I got the 5Dii it was my first taste of hybrid photo and video. 1080p video, WOW. I did lots of videos from my airplane, a learning curve in itself. And then Canon did not advance any with video, it was like a dead end for them, and I started looking around. Back then Sony was on a roll, regularly advancing mirrorless with new features, so I got a Sony AII. My thought was to use my Canon lenses. This was a mistake, the lens adapters were not that good back then, and I spent more time fiddling than photographing. I moved to Sony lenses, and then an AIII, and did lots of travel photos and some video. But with my big 10+ bit video camera I was doing HDR movies, and Sony mirrorless was still only 8 bit, and 8 bit HDR has too many artifacts. So I started looking around again. HDR video was still fairly new, but some people were using the Lumix GH4 and VLog and having good results. I couldn't bring myself to go to M43, but when the Lumix S1 came out, and shortly after that a 10 bit VLog option, I had to move. That's when I found Panasonic knows and understands hybrid. It's the best of photography. It's the best of videography.
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