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Announcement Save the date: L-Mount event on 22.3.2025 in Ludwigsburg/ Germany


Dear members,

for the first time in Germany, probably worldwide, there is a pure L-Mount event. In Ludwigsburg, Germany. Do not miss the opportunity to meet us there!


This Friday evening (21.3.2025) and Saturday (22.3.2025) all day long. The photo dealer Fotoprofi organised this L-Mount event for all L-Mount interested people. There will be stands of Leica, Panasonic and Sigma, the three founding partners of the L-Mount alliance. There will be many different workshops with L-Mount gear too. And of course all kind of L-Mount gear to test, special offers etc.

We will have our own stand there on Saturday. So look out for the L-Mount-Forum flag.

It would be great of some of our German members would meet us there. This is a great opportunity to meet in real life, and test at the same time all L-Mount gear.

You can find all details on the special site for this event of Fotoprofi here:

In the member section below is already a thread about who is coming.

Best wishes