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Samyang 24mm and 35mm f/2.8 pancakes


Well-Known Member

Samyang may will release some of it's Sony E AF lenses for L-Mount this summer. The 35-150 is already known to be released soon. But also the 24/2.8 and 36/2.8 pancakes could be available for L-Mount in a couple of months. Those would be nice additions, especially with the new S9 in mind.

Samyang may will release some of it's Sony E AF lenses for L-Mount this summer. The 35-150 is already known to be released soon. But also the 24/2.8 and 36/2.8 pancakes could be available for L-Mount in a couple of months. Those would be nice additions, especially with the new S9 in mind.
This is most welcome but I wish Lumix would make the pancake lenses as I think they are better at it, keep the faster AF and colour standards, coatings etc. After that 300-400mm f2.8 primes, a 600 f4 and 200-800 zoom ranges etc to rival Canonikon... Why not or even longer? Pentax made a 2000mm f13.5 in the 1979s so why not now? On an S9 hybrid 3x zoom you get 6000mm 1080p :p