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S5II with Sigma Lenses

I agree that it's the Sigma lenses that attracted me to the L-mount far more than the Panasonic ones (and certainly not the Leica ones) and it's the Sigmas I get the most enjoyment out of using. The Lumix 50/1.8 is optically fantastic but I miss the aperture ring and solid metal feel of the I-series lenses when I'm using it.

I haven't noticed any difference in AF speed or accuracy between my Lumix and Sigma lenses.
Yes, I loved the Sigma lenses for those reasons too but realised that I can get my dose of aperture ring and manual focusing by using one of my 'vintage' lenses.
For convenience, improved weatherproofing and for me a better ergonomic/aesthetic match with my SL2S it is Panasonic S
I am a new S5M2 owner, and my camera came paired with the excellent 20-60mm zoom. But my main lens is the super Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-70mm f/2.8 ASPH. lens, which is really a premium built, metal barreled Sigma 24-70mm. My Leica equivalent gives outstanding results, and gives me confidence in the Sigma lens development architecture.
It's been ten years since Sigma's Global Vision came along, a point that marked Sigma's entry into the premium group of lens manufacturers. Ten years hasn't been enough to sweep away the impressions that many have that Sigma are third-rate but those of us who are not stuck up about only using lenses from the company that manufactured their camera know the truth :)
Really nice photos, Giuseppe!
Lovely shots @Vale46 ! I miss the sunstars from the 16-28 (I have the Lumix 14-28 now).